Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The mod, mod world of Lake Worth

Everyone knows that Ella of Lake Worth jewelers is a jewel!  She just thought of an interesting program:

Joyce at Clay Glass says,
Traveling Coin: Ella would like to kick of a “Traveling Coin” program that starts here in Lake Worth, is recorded on the Internet and sent all over the country and world.  This is yet another way to put Lake Worth on a larger map.

Then there is a Loyalty program being explored by Lea, publicist for the Lake Worth Playhouse: She has been exploring the best “Loyalty Programs” for our merchants and restaurants to participate in. Each Loyalty Program issues a card which is swiped by the merchant

  • The customer gets a percentage off of the sale (5%)
  • Each merchant and restaurant is listed on an International network.
  • Each merchant gets a percentage of the sales made world wide, if we are a part of that network and sales are made in our shops.  We build and earn residuals
  • Our goal in this town will be 7-10 merchants to start with to make it worth while.  As we grow and benefit, we are certain others will join us.
  • There will be local maps handed out with participating merchants on them.
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