Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Property values up in Lake Worth

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Big surprise!  Not only are Lake Worth's property values higher, they have risen by 8.2%. The county average is 5.4%. Lake Worth was projecting nearly half that. This will help tremendously during the budget discussions perhaps even during the infrastructure financing.

Read about it here...


  1. maybe now the city can pay back all the money it has confiscated from the Simpkin Trust. That would be a start in good faith.

  2. ...and so has the price of my groceries, gas and cost of living in general - it's called inflation, no?

    The Federal Reserve PRINTS Money Out of Thin Air and reduces the value of every OTHER DOLLAR in circulation!

    So a $100K home before would INFLATE (when did that happen before?) to say $125K.

    Than Add in the CRA (Unknown Government) building new w/our money then claiming an increase in value!

    Adrain Wyllie proposes 100% Homestead exemption on your 1st home and rework the sales tax so if you are truly into LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT for ALL you wouldn't dare compete w/your (NEW) Sales Tax (Local Business) Base!

  3. Ask Lake Worth Live to Post about these Thieves stealing the from Simpkin Trust and perhaps suggest we go after them like they person who STOLE from the customer at Brogues!

    Stealing is Stealing and ALL thieves SHOULD BE PUNISHED!

    Lake Worth Herald was right! The city might as well make up a Law where they can do what they want when they want even if you, a citizen CAN NOT! They ARE Acting that way (Simpkin Trust is an excellent example) so why not tell the truth and put it on public record!

  4. I believe that Lake Worth Live is a "company" man.

  5. ...Blue Bills...

    If the county can require gas stations to ADVERTIZE big enough people can tell the CASH Gas Price I think the City should list the actual cost of our energy & water and A SEPARATE LINE for what they STEAL! They are Price Gouging and fraudulent reporting of that fact happens every month on EVERY BILL!

    They changed the blue envelopes to blue ink (More or Less expensive?) and advertize themselves, their PROPAGANDA and their favorite places INSTEAD of SELLING ADVERTIZEMENTS to people to help absorb (completely pay for) costs.
