Monday, April 7, 2014

Panama Hatties- A beautiful spot on the Intracoastal on the chopping block

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Panama Hatties
North Palm Beach has this--

Now North Palm Beach is going to get something similar to this-- What a shame--Click here...
Thank God our golf course in Lake Worth is deed restricted I hear!


  1. OMG No Way can the roads and bridges handle the traffic! I come from Singer Island to PGA and I have been backed up in it thinking 6th ave in Lake Worth and I-95 has nothing on this traffic jam AS IS!
    That's "Smart Growth" for ya - Must be told it's Smart cause common sense tells the average bear it isn't smart at all but pretty STUPID. It's Not personal either - it's MATH! Concurrency is like a car count to see if the roads can handle the traffic flow...voodoo math allows them to get around it. But that IS the PLAN!

    “No way we’re gonna avoid building the COMPACT CITIES that the 21st century needs”. “There is no way we can dodge the bullet that the CARS are going out, that the AUTOMOBILE dependency is going out, we can’t dodge it in the long run and what I would urge you to do is that whatever we do here…that it be done FAST”.

    D#4 Heard these comments IN PERSON at the TCRPC (5.17.13 meeting) and said NOTHING to the people about it except he wanted E to W transportation from Rails to beaches - really when the PLAN for 4 people at the state level are allowed BY OUR REPS to make the decisions for US - what do we need you reps for?

    “City, County, MPO, Seven/50, Florida, USA then United Nations”

    Subsidiarity: “We design who makes what decision and when”.

    “The Principle is: the smallest party that can competently make it, let’s decide as little as possible now and download to others later…because they’ll be more competent to do it”.

    This is the PLAN on PUBLIC RECORD!

  2. Deed restrictions? We don't need no stinking deed restrictions ! Mayor Pam Triolo begged the Palm Beach County Commission to destroy John Prince Park (Deed restricted John Prince Park )!And Neighborhood prez. Mary Lindsey was riding piggyback,drooling and salivating about " economic opportunity" as she went. If these Commissioners get enough dollar signs in their eyes and look east to the intracoastal waterway (EXTREMELY VALUABLE PROPERTY)and want to put condos on the golf course( to increase the tax base,don't ya know)the golf course and Bryant park are history!

  3. Who said anything about DESTROYING john Prince Park?
    The golf course and Bryant park are history? Thank god the only thing that's history is the say no to everything gang.
    And good riddance.
