Sunday, April 6, 2014

Pam Triolo on TV this morning

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Channel 5 at for the mayor of Lake Worth and what she has to say.


  1. The best part of the PR was at the end when she said they are addressing the problems AND LISTENING TO THE PEOPLE. I almost croaked.

  2. Great PR if you have no clue as to what is really happening here.

    $79 million in development projects. Is one of those the affordable rentals on Boutwell and LW Road that every single resident out this way is appalled about? Is it the rentals being built on the railroad tracks off of 6th Ave South...this will be more problems down the road that come with this type of housing...more eventual slum,blight and crime?

    A revenue bond for your infrastructure 2020 plan? Do you really want to screw the poor property owner that badly before you even clean up the basics? 44 Ordinances still aren't getting it done.

  3. I missed it and cna't find a link. do y9ou hav e one? i voted yes to keep our downtown low-rise. What's happening with that?

  4. Are you sure you know that low rise does not mean your pants.

  5. Yes, I know that. Low rise is exActly what I voted for and what we want. We don't need you and your developer friends ruining our town on the pretense of some other ridiculous reasons you drummed up to nullify the vote.
