Wednesday, April 2, 2014

League of Cities Legislative Action - more commissioner travel Days

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Scott Maxwell was absent from the city commission meeting last night--more traveling for League of Cities business paid by the City of Lake Worth.

Florida League of Cities Legislative Action Days-Tallahassee—Apr 1/Apr 2

Legislative Action Days

Event Location

Start Date

4/01/2014 08:30 AM
End Date

4/02/2014 05:00 PM


  1. What cost that much for 1 day!!!! Is there any way we can get expense info?

  2. God, that irks me, all this money they spend on travel could be used to put some sidewalks in that are missing or damaged, real safety concerns. Maxwell, doesn't really seem to care about these issues, recall his plea to do more about blight? What has he done? Do all the rest of you also see through these crooks?
