Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Lake Worth to hire Lobbyist firm

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Just think, a $5,000 a month retainer fee plus out of pocket, etc. to have a possible influence in Washington, D.C. to the firm, Alcalde and Fay.  85 year old  Skip Bafilis is listed as a consultant there and the one who wrote the letter to the City of Lake Worth.  Mr. Bafilis  is a retired Republican Congressman. He used to reside in Palm Beach but now lives in Arlington, Virginia.

The Agreement provides for professional services in the field of government relations and advocacy, including legislative procedure, regulatory processes, public policy, and appropriations and grant programs administered by the Federal government.

Currently, the City has no voice in Washington, DC in order to maximize their participation in Federal programs and funding opportunities as Congress and the Administration seek ways to stimulate the economy.

Alcalde & Fay, LTD is a bipartisan firm that represents Palm Beach County, West Palm Beach and Riviera Beach as well as other local governments ranging in population size from 2,676 to 2.6 million. They have successfully assisted in obtaining essential support and direct Federal assistance for transportation, economic development, criminal justice and law enforcement programs/projects, health services, a range of education and community programs, and water/wastewater infrastructure project. It is the city’s intent to become more effective in applying for and obtaining Federal money for projects and programs including road infrastructure and utilities. Compensation for services include a monthly retainer of $5,000 plus out-of-pocket expenses incurred in connection with their work for items such as copying, postage, telephone, delivery, and telecopy charges.

Staff recommends approval of this agreement as Administration moves forward to find funding sources for roadway, utilities, and Park of Commerce infrastructure improvements. If approved, a budget amendment would be required.

I guess you have to spend money that's not budgeted in order to get money particularly when the idea of a  general obligation bond has fallen flat for the 2020 program and Park of Commerce.


  1. 5,000 a month?!? These people are crazy! Even if we had that money, it could be better spent on hiring a couple of full time grant writers !! This is unbelievable. We can't even pave our roads or put in sidewalks foe children going to school , but we can afford money for this ?These people are crazy !

  2. This city doesn't need a Washington lobbyist. It needs new management.

  3. Once again the intellectuals that read this blog are a couple of steps ahead of everyone else.
    The know nothings that were duly elected by a majority of voters should just continue the status quo with Lake Worth and leave it the way it was. Then you ass clowns will constantly complain about that too. Thank god nobody in city hall listens to you ass wipes anymore. Thank god your votes are ignored.

  4. Triolo's trip to Washington panned out after all. She found a lobby firm.

  5. P.S. The word God is capitalized. And calling people azz wipes is forbidden on this blog. You just don't read or comprehend policy but then, this blog IS for intellectuals.

  6. You allow Katie to call people the same things! Why don't the same rules apply to her?

  7. She has NEVER called anyone an ASS WIPE. She has never condemned all posters on this blog or this blogger as ASS WIPES and CLOWNS. Elected officials and public figures are fair game. They need to take the heat. READ THE POLICY.

  8. Maxwell's park of commerce is falling flat? Didn't he approve of that monstrosity going up there right now?

  9. Lake Worth doesn't even own all of "the park of Commerce"!
    Pim Tralala lives !!! Yeehaw !!!!
    P.S. Lynn likes Katie better than you, nanee nanee booboo.

  10. Lake Worth
    Does not own one piece of land in The park of Commerce.
