Monday, April 14, 2014

Lake Worth keeps getting spammed

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I know that Obamacare needs all the help it can get but will someone call this number and tell them that they have erected an illegal sign in our city? You see them all over Lake Worth--on trees, sidewalks, utility poles and public rights of way.  They're called "snipe" signs and these people blight our city by advertising everything from tax preparation to garage sales, foreclosures and cheap rentals.


  1. When you do call, you get a long spiel about how affordable their plans on, but no info on who you are talking to . You are asked to leave your contact info. I just left the message that they need to remove their signs, they are illegal in our city. Fat lot of good it will do, but anyway,,,,,

  2. My Mom was telling me that in her area, she mentioned this b/c she saw all our snipe signs on her last visit, that the local municipality pays people to collect and turn in snipe signs. Applies to all snipe signs except campaign related signs and they pay a few dollars for the signs and the program is funded by the fines the city collects from the businesses that use the signs.

    Seems like a good plan to me.
