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On Tuesday, I received Allen West's new book, Guardian of the Republic. It is 202 pages of "the inspiring and uncensored views of a veteran, patriot, former congressman, conservative icon and warrior for personal liberty."
Democrats couldn't wait for the book to come out on April 1 so that they could immediately scrutinize it and trash it. It is what political opponents do best.
The jacket says, "Today, these values are under attack as never before. As the far Left intensifies its assaults, few have been as vigorous as West in pushing back. He refuses to let up, calling out an Obama administration that cares more about big government than following the Constitution, so-called black “leaders” who sell out their communities in exchange for pats on the head, and a segment of the media that sees vocal black conservatives as threats to be shot down." He is a personal inspiration to me and I follow his lead on a very small but localized level.
Just went up to amazon to buy his book.