Thursday, March 13, 2014

Villages of Lake Worth

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The Villages of Lake Worth, 216, three story rental units on 7.65 acres at Lake Worth and Boutwell Roads, are quickly being built. Here is a sneak preview of the courtyard as well as the unit interior.
By Roving Photographer


  1. Lynn, I do not see anyone working. Don't tell me you tresspassed.

  2. It's amazing isn't it? You seldom see anyone working and these things go up overnight. Maybe it can house all the ballplayers coming to John Prince Park??

  3. Would'nt that be lovely.

  4. At least this correctional facility like installation will be paying taxes to our general fund unlike all the "owner occupied", now rental units that have been constructed in the CRA district since the Blackman and Sharpe P and Z approvals of the overcrowded units all over our City.

  5. It is because Blackman, Sharpe, rice, etc, all on these city boards only care about feeding all the realtors and developers and maybe lining their pockets with all this over-populated development of slums. So many rich in this city who live in College Park, South Palmway, etc. own property in the hood, yet don't take care of it and leave it all blighted using their power from being on the boards and the connections they have, rice is a perfect example of this, the corruption by these people is sickening. How many on these boards P&Z, CRA, etc, live in CP or SP or east of Federal or Dixie, yet own blighted property on the west side or holding onto their blighted properties waiting for the market to go up again to make millions, forcing the rest to live next to this blight? Do any educated people in this city really have any respect for the likes of sharpe, blackman, or rice, and others? The greed and corruption from these folks is so sad. They will not stop, using their power to gain more, yet oppress others in blight and overcrowding. What will history say about these one's who sellout our city? I love the quote that Albert Einstein said:
    “I am absolutely convinced that no wealth in the world can help humanity forward. The example of great and fine personalities is the only thing that can lead us to fine ideas and noble deeds. Can anyone imagine Moses, Jesus or Gandhi with the money bags of Carnegie?

    People like rice, sharpe, and Blackman are all selling their souls to the devil, so sad for the people here and our city as a whole.

    "now rental units that have been constructed in the CRA district since the Blackman and Sharpe P and Z approvals of the overcrowded units all over our City"

  6. Well, we already know Greg Rice does at 1306 and 1320 Lucerne Ave because you blog about it almost everyday here.

    " How many on these boards P&Z, CRA, etc, live in CP or SP or east of Federal or Dixie, yet own blighted property on the west side or holding onto their blighted properties waiting for the market to go up again to make millions, forcing the rest to live next to this blight? "

  7. That's a comment, not a blog. And obviously, people in and near his properties are rather disgusted with them.

  8. @9:31--true, unless, of course, the owner/developer flips it over to a 501C type of corporation. Anything is possible.

  9. Which is true, you never know, and especially when they are all in cahoots with people on the P&Z board here in Lake Worth like Rice, Sharpe, and Blackman, they can do anything and continue to destroy our city. Why are so many taken in by these goons? Is it pity?

    "@9:31--true, unless, of course, the owner/developer flips it over to a 501C type of corporation. Anything is possible."

  10. I read the comments above complaining about the group of people who give so much of their time and expertise helping to make Lake Worth better and ignoring all the other people who sit on the same boards who vote on the same issues as the much vilified, outspoken and yes opinionated group, but say nothing about them. They do live West of Dixie and in "the hood". They are also trying to do the best for the city with what we have to work with.

    If some people live East and own property in the West, they are also interested in making sure that their investment doesn't go down the toilet.

    You state that we should only allow high end housing. Ha. It's the middle class that needs all the help it can get right now and that means affordable housing.

    I don't want to see section 8 housing but guess what..... it's everywhere in Lake Worth right now. We should be concentrating on owner occupied housing. In EVERY price range.

    What will improve standards for us all? Infill development of any sort. Fix the crumbling streets and sidewalks and demolish the eyesore abandoned properties that ARE the blight and slum.

    That is what the evil people and organizations you are referring to are trying to do and you are sitting by and complaining about them.

    Try to help instead of bashing. Is it any wonder good people don't want to join these boards? Get bashed for trying to help. Run for office? Forget it.

  11. "Trying to do?" Let's do it. Can we see any improvement here other than low-cost rentals? The NSP2 of $23 million made little difference to our slummed neighborhoods. Now you are building on the RR tracks and threw nearly $$$ 2 million their way. Great going.

  12. Yes, "Trying". Each and every day, they are not complaining but "doing" something about it.

    You complained about the "Affordable" Urban Arts Lofts too.They too are very close to the tracks. NSP-2 produced scores of Affordable owner occupied homes in our most blighted area. Affordable homes. The rentals that replaced foreclosed dilapidated and abandoned shacks are not absentee slums like what resides right next to many of them. They are being well kept on the exterior and helping those neighborhoods appreciate in value.

    Like the hole in the wall, they won't be addressed until someone calls them in. So keep on complaining here and it'll do no good. Complain to code 586-1651 and FINALLY a case will be made and investigated.

    Let's see... there are residential rentals to the North, South and West of the brand new construction going up on 6th and F street. What would you suggest goes there?

    Great going? I think so too.

  13. This entire city, the last time I looked, was nothing but low cost affordable housing. Get a handle on this, anonymous at 11:49. I sure don't want you running for office. In fact, disband the CRA and retire yourself.
