Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Time Settles Everything - The Sun never shined with Sun

The city states:  Since the official closure of the City’s landfill in 1993, the City has dealt with a variety of issues. The issues include matters related to a 2007 lease to Sun Recycling Systems (SRS) as a hurricane staging area, allegations of odors emanating from the landfill, and allegations of contamination. At this time, a report from Mock Roos & Associates conclude that the odor and contamination issues are insignificant. City staff would like to move forward with analyzing viable uses of the landfill including a possible photovoltaic array.

Residents near site complaining about illnesses they
suffered  because of the debris dumped on landfill--some of which had arsenic

Well, of course it wants to move forward and forget about this past nightmare.  This is the MO of our present administration.  It conducted surveys in 2013 and sent out 56 of them to property owners adjacent to the landfill. Only a handful of residents bothered to complete them and send them in to the city which is a typical response rate.  After all those years of total city silence to their complaints, the city is using that response against them. The city had Mock Roos do studies, a company that has made multi-millions off the city.  Now the city wants the commission, a commission that probably has never even been on the landfill property, to accept  Mock Roos’ reports and close the book on all prior issues. This will allow the city to move forward in its analyzation and pursuit  of viable uses of the landfill.

On August 3, 2010 Mock Roos's John Biggs said, "In my opinion, RSM should not have been placed on the site. Arsenic was found in the samples indicating higher levels than acceptable (1/3rd over threshold) in certain areas of the landfill for surrounding residential areas. He also said that it would cost $1.5 million to restore the property. Per the lease Sun Recycling had with the city, they were supposed to do just that. They never did.

Even though Sun was required to restore our landfill to its original condition per the lease agreement, our city attorney, Christy Goddeau of the Glen J. Torcivia law firm, had recommended against the pursuit because of the cost which also includes attorney fees that they say we would never recover. It's just easier and cheaper to forget about it. The "bad" guys just keep on winning in this city and the city just keeps on minimizing everything, other than the Heights Referendum, that is.

This matter is on the Agenda tonight. The landfill is closed and the entire matter will be history. Time heals all wounds. Everything that Sun ever did is now minimized or reduced to little importance. Now this commission can feel free to accept any and all contributions from Sun Recycling companies without further scrutiny. Who knows, Sun might once again get our roll-off business.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, what's wrong? No slam dunkS BY ANY OF YOU MISFITS?
