Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The Squeaky Wheel

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Well, the first hurdle is over.  The dais made certain that their supporters were on hand, even wearing baseball caps that were handed out to them that adorned the chamber.

Last night the commission room was ignited. One premature suggestion supporting John Prince Park as a Spring training camp for two major baseball teams was the cause of that ignition because the city commission, in all its desperation for Lake Worth revitalization, had a Resolution supporting John Prince Park for the field. Those who supported the Resolution and who live nowhere near John Prince Park, were out in force.

The president of the Neighborhood Council, an association that swears it is not political but in reality the most political organization in Lake Worth, had rallied the association members who had previously voted in support of the idea.  She spoke to the subject and got her friends there such as West Palm Beach Commissioner Shanon Materio who said she was "jealous."  Every means was used to show support for this Resolution. The entire chamber was under an emotional umbrella all in the name of economic development and all in the name of sacrificing one area of the city for that gain. Force is in numbers and it is he who screams the loudest that makes the impact.

A few people spoke from the Residents of Lake Osborne Heights (an association that is NOT political) against the idea because it is their neighborhood that would be affected and impacted. Most residents are long gone now from commission meetings--they stay away as their voices are never heard even when they speak or even when they win an election that the city politicians refuse to honor. Commissioners don't return their phone calls and don't find time to meet with them and if there is opposition to their views, they take opportunities from the dais to belittle or make condescending statements towards those who disagree. They forget that they represent all of the people, not just some of them.

Tripp Cioci from ROLOH spoke and with tongue in cheek, suggested that they consider the golf course or Bryant Park for the Spring training camp.  He also conjured up a recorded document pertaining to the John Prince Park property dated April 12, 1940 that reads:

(This conveyance is made on the condition that the area above described is to be used for park and forest purposes only, and should said area be used for any purpose other than park and forest, the title to said land shall automatically revert and become the property of the Trustees of the Internal Improvement Fund of the State of Florida.)

Katie McGiveron, Vice President of ROLOH said, "We ask that our elected officials pay more attention to the very real concerns of very real families than they do to an ill-advised pipe dream pushed by a disgraced ex-Congressman turned lobbyist.

The final vote was 4/1 with McVoy dissenting.

The squeaky wheel, an American idiom used to convey the idea that the most noticeable (or loudest) problems are the ones most likely to get attention, gets the grease. The dais and the political neighborhood association council accomplished its goal last night--slip, sliding away on political oil.


  1. does the vote from the city commission now mean that there will be a spring training facility in jp? what teem will play here?

  2. Of course LW will do anything to get anything but I believe county residents wil not allow our parks to be given away. This is a beautiful section of JP Park that many people use for many different purposes of relaxtion and natural beauty. We need to get our message out to those,along iwith environmentalists to PROTECT this land from those who only want to profit.

  3. No. It only means that the commission supports the idea of having it there. The commission support and this resolution is just one small spoke in the greasy wheel. The Washington Nationals have an interest in PB county.

  4. I was there last night and the community overwhelmingly supports our commission exploring the possibility of this ball park. There is no question that it will have a major positive economic impact on our city. That is a fact that cannot be disputed. For Commissioner McVoy to vote no shows you that he has no clue how to save this city. There was also a clear consensus that our neighborhoods need to be heard. To oppose this possible stadium at this early stage shows me that you really don't care if this city survives.

  5. Not sure I understand all the angst here. Doesn't this resolution just ask the PBCBCC to consider this site and report the potential details of the site?

  6. You're not "sure" about the angst? this resolution can't be much more specific--the summary describes it.

    The Resolution supports the City’s continued exploration and development of John Prince Park as a location for
    a major league baseball franchise spring training camp.
    Palm Beach County and municipalities in and around John Prince Park would reap significant economic
    development by locating a spring training camp at John Prince Park. Additionally, the City finds that this
    location would provide a significant benefit to Palm Beach County, nearby municipalities, the City, and its

  7. Traffic on the access roads- 6th Ave S, Lake Worth Rd., and Congress Ave. is already severely congested.
    Will a traffic study say that 2 to 3 months of several thousand cars entry and egress, in season when traffic is greatest, will be acceptable?
    When the Spring training season is over, what will be the economic benefit of an empty ballpark for the 9 months it sits idle?

  8. As said, 9:22, those politicos got their people to the commission meeting. You have NO idea whether or not the community supports this location.

    You have no facts that can prove it will make an economic impact on LW or to what degree or whether quality of life will be affected for all the residents in Lake Osborne. I am also sure you don't care.

    Commissioner McVoy asked that a caveat be in the resolution regarding the impact of the neighborhood...this was ignored by the "visionaries" who like to think they know it all.

    To support this site at this premature stage just shows that some people are into almighty greed, want their own way and continue to be divisive.

    It is all rather moot anyway--it will never happen at John Prince Park.

  9. I'm surprised Scotty didn't suggest changing the name of the city. Astroville?

  10. Spring training lasts one month.

  11. And your point is anon at 11 10 am???

  12. Okay anon at 9:22- Katie Mcgiveron Vice president of the ROLOH neighborhood here.

    Okay, now imagine that the Commission wants to offer the golf course property and Bryant Park for the stadium. It's all about economics, remember? What would be better economically for Lake Worth? A golf course that attracts some golfers, or a STADIUM THAT COULD BRING 4,000 PEOPLE A day INTO OUR CITY !!! Imagine the beach/baseball combos that we could have!!!We could even start the "Beach and baseball bums club" !!! The Gulsteam Hotel is right there! So, what would be better economically for the city? A golf course used by a few, or a ball stadium for ALL of the people FOR ONLY 1 MONTH, OF COURSE.

    Would you, anon at 9:22 , come flooding into city hall with your cheap ball caps plastered to your head, singing and excited for the economic boost to Lake Worth? If any homeowners complained, would you tell them to suck it up for the good of the city?

  13. I believe the point is, the impact to our community would last for one month out of twelve in the height of the Season. Not sure how lucrative that is or what sort of jobs it would create that would be meaningful for the long-term.

  14. I do not know if he would, but I sure as hell would Katie. It's time for this City to get ahead, and maybe, just maybe actually be able to get everything that needs to be done,and possibly get some money back in the reserves. I personally donot care where a Stadium would go, but remember this is exploring the possibility that Our City would be eligible to be considered having it in Our City.

    The standing joke around town right now is the reason that there was no Election, is because their was no money to blow, that's why Your Group could not get anyone to run ( if we can't waste it, why waste Our time.)

  15. Look at the schedule for Roger Dean Stadium. One month, my AZZ! There are activities ,every day , for almost every day for over 9 months!!!! And many of these activities START AT 6;45 P.M. !!!!!

  16. You know, it is really pathetic when an anonymous poster writes something like this to belittle the opposition even more.

    People don't want to run because it is a total waste of time and breath in a city that is so corrupt and so narrowly focused, believing that development is the cure-all to all our woes.

    Hey, get the slum and blight cleaned up. you can start with your own property. Figure out how to stop LW from being a dumping ground for old wrecks, ten of which are on our city streets right now. Get the city admin to get some "balls."

    We had money in our reserves. You just robbed it all. What will you "blow" it on? More pipe dreams?

  17. Great to hear that you support a baseball stadium where the golf course and Bryant Park now are. Do you think that Mary Lindsey and the surrounding neighborhoods would welcome this? They all love Lake worth, so I'm sure that they would! State your name anon. Be ready to stand up in city hall and put forth this idea. Call your City Commissioners to push this deal. Good luck in getting them to call you back. Tell John Szerdi that non-residents will get into the stadium for free and he'll pee himself in a rush to get this done. Scott Maxwell will get to use the kudus to take that further step into a higher public office that he so desperately wants to do . ( And he won't even have to play footsie with disgraced lobbyist to do it ! ) Andy Amaroso could take over the hot dog concession stand! I'm sure that he would be an excellent weiner salesman!Mary Lindsey could sell beer and Wes Blackman could sell ball caps. A waterfront ball park! Just think !!! It would really put us on the map !!! Mike Bornstein will have no problem in asking the residents to pony up the 600 million dollars needed to build it .Now THIS is a ball park that we can ALL support!

  18. Sounds good to me

  19. I live in Parrot Cove and would love a ballpark where the golf course is. Unfortunately the land is no where near wide enough.

  20. Lynn you talk blight, but have never been seen at a cleanup. The only hands on you are is your camera.

  21. There is not enough land at the golf course or Bryant park to put a stadium facility. The spring training last for a few months however the grapefruit divisions plays most of the year. (AAA) Games for the most part are played during the day about 1pm. to 4pm. When most of us are at work.Before and after the game fans could visit our citys' establishments. As evident at Roger Dean Stadium urban development will happen around the facility and more new residents will contribute to the economic well being of our city.

  22. I leave the clean-ups to all the do-gooders and younger folks. Thanks.

  23. I disagree that there is not enough land at the Golf course for a stadium. It is wider than the area in John Prince park that they are pushing.

  24. I personally would Love having a Ballpark, at the Golf Course. For two many years, the residents of Lake Worth have subsidized the Course that has been utilized, by less than 10 percent of the residents.

  25. Learn to play golf. Don't worry about a ballpark there. LW doesn't have a pot to pee in and has no money to fill in the holes. Can you guys get in the "real" world?

    Tourists come here for the sun, the surf, and the golf.

  26. The real world is that this City needs something to pull it out of the predicament that is has been in since the Markets fell. If it is a ball park sobe it. IfI am not incorrect this is the first time, in a long long time that the Golf Course is actually holding it's own.

    So the tourists may come for the sun,surf,and golf, but they have not been coming to Lake Worth.

  27. Check out our beach and count all of the out of state license plates. That will give you some idea but it won't include all the rental cars of all those tourists.

    They're coming here.

  28. The hypothetical argument intended to 'make a point' about using the golf course as an even exchange for using JPP is a very poorly laid out one using mostly emotion and little facts, and clearly zero business knowledge or judgement.

    (cue the 'ok anon, you coward.....' instead of a factual retort)

    Several key elements were left out that make them not even a close comparison. First, the golf course generates revenue, regardless of how much. What does the park generate sales wise? It's not even within city limits.

    Second, the golf course adds significant value to the homes along it and with a slightly lesser effect to the ones on the other side of the street, as well as the surrounding area in general. Keep in mind it is this value that makes up a very significant portion of LW's tax base. So destroying that value will, without a doubt, remove a substantial amount of tax revenue that this city could never make up. Remember, with so many not paying any property tax, those couple of streets along the intercoastal are vital to pay for city/county services available to all. JPP location would not have any effect on killing off that tax base that supports the city.

    Third, is access. The golf course is much further from major interchanges and would require a lot of infrastructure improvements, while 6th Ave and 95 is just a few thousand fee away from JPP. It would be far less congested and less costly.

    Fourth, the property values in the immediate surrounding areas would likely receive a boost from the economic impact, raising many of the ones below the homestead exemption into the realm of paying property tax. That would really be huge for the city, but likely the key sore point here for many of the naysayers as it would mean many receiving a free ride would have to pay some property tax to support the services received. Those committed to the city would be happy their values are going up and with it the resulting improvement over time.

    I could go on for a long time with some basic economic principles, but I don't think logic and business reason would be too well received when speculation, fear mongering and 'opinions' of highly qualified commentators, abound.

    BTW - I hate baseball and even more so professional athletes. I personally couldn't care less about it from a personal standpoint.

  29. Thanks for the above post...very well written and thought out.

    I take exception to one comment: but likely the key sore point here for many of the naysayers as it would mean many receiving a free ride would have to pay some property tax to support the services received.

    I have not met one person who did not want his property value to go up. We all have lost a lot of value and I personally have lost around 64%. Because of the plunging values over the past several years, it has caused more and more undesirables, slum and blight which in turn make our values more depressed. I am not sure that I agree with your assessment that property values would go up for homes near this stadium. Personally I believe it could be an opposite and negative effect.

    BTW--I Love baseball.

  30. Anon at 8:03- Loosen up that cheap ball cap that you have plastered on your head and let some oxygen get to your brain ! Talk about not well thought out- JPP is deed restricted. Can't put for profit stuff in there.Period !
    The golf course site has a road to it. The 6th ave south site does not have a road to the proposed stadium.
    The golf course site will bring people directly into our town. The JPP site shoots people back onto I-95 or back out West to the Turnpike before they even SEE our town!
    Nobody cares about the home values around the golf course ! We are talking about the economic impact of a stadium ! If anybody around the golf course whines, they are NIMBYS.Everybody knows that living in the shadow of a ballpark will increase the values of homes MUCH MORE than living on a Golf course would !
    Golf course revenue vs. a stadium revenue ?!? Come on, not even close ! 4,000 adorable little kiddies and their families a day ? The golf course doesn't even attract that many people in a year !
    The tax revenues generated by a stadium instead of a basically useless waste of space golf course will allow this city to drastically cut taxes for everyone in the city ! The Mayor will no longer have to moan about how poor lake Worth is every time a camera is shoved in her face !That relief ALONE is worth a stadium on the intracoastal !!
    And finally , anyone not in LOVE with baseball is obviously a terrorist of some kind who really should be kicked out of AMERICA ! You obviously are a bitter French Canadian that is upset about having to spend money to park at our beach !Stop the hate !!!

  31. The park and lake add significant value to the homes in that area. To live next to a park is ideal- beautiful nature, peace and quiet, a place to walk your dog, a place for children to place, a wholesome lifestyle. The West side of the City contributes a large portion of the property tax revenue. It's the East and West property taxes that maintain the middle of the City. So, if our property values go down on the West side then the East side will pay more to make up the difference.

  32. I like the idea of a spring training facility west of our City. Such a facility in conjunction with the transit based development could help revitalize our western communities. Of course, the interests and concerns of residents and the issue of whether the park is appropriate must also be addressed just like it was in Palm Beach Gardens.

    I would generally agree that traffic on LW Road is bad, but would assume that traffic for this park would come from 6th or it might come from the West.

    I do think Lynn's comment about how the City fractionalizes is interesting. Look at the height limit ballot. Look who was for it and who was against it. Those that live in close proximity to where 6 story buildings could be built were generally against it as it would negatively impact them and their historic neighborhoods, those that were further removed and those in the real estate and development business were all for it.

  33. Let's look at the height amendment.
    The amendment passed with 57% of the vote. Check out the results and where the votes came from. Who is "fractionalizing" whom?

  34. Let's Follow the Money Shall We....
    Giving, Receiving and Illegal Activity from LW Board Members!

    Termination PAC Report
    Friends of the Gulfstream

    Cottages of Lake Worth, Inc
    625 N. Lakeside Drive $1500.00
    (FYI: Teresa & Marty Gave 4K)
    NAPC $433.71
    (FYI: Mary gave $100)

    G3 2013 2.7.15 – 2.13.15
    #1 Loretta Sharpe (Lake Worth Historical Board) $300.00 Donation
    2.13.15 (2.15.13?) BANNER $437.00

    Raising of the NO Banner at the Gulfstream Hotel (Historical Preservation Board Member)

    Banner declared CODE VIOLATION

    Follow the Money & Do the Math.

  35. Really?? How is that illegal? Please inform me. So let me get this straight when people VOLUNTEER their own time and money to help better lake worth you get attacked and scrutinized. Why would you try to scare people out if doing positive things if you really care about the city I just dont understand how you could be so against so many things. The cottages are actually drawing attention from outside the city.
