Sunday, March 2, 2014

The Lake Worth Hourglass

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Time is not returnable unless, of course, you are a volunteer in Lake Worth doing your damndest to be part of the solution--spending hours cleaning up the messes of others. It's like digging a hole in the sand...the tide comes in and it fills up again.

That's what's going on at 1231 S. L Street.  No sooner did volunteers clean up the mess when some lowlife deposited old tires on the property again...all within 24 hours or less. It doesn't take much time to trash our city. The hourglass was just turned upside down. This happens over and over again.

Like Night and Day--how long will it last?
It didn't take one day for tires to reappear
Tires can be traced, can't they?


  1. This was just posted on the Lake Worth Live Facebook page;

    Just heard from Nicole @ caroline tires...these are NOT new tires just a few stragglers that got left behind They will be removed today or tmrw

    So let's not be jumping to conclusions!

  2. Perhaps. They just were not seen at the end of the day yesterday.

  3. 2:42 are you joking? This is what happens in this city all of the time. There should be some detective assigned to this case. Let's get this bastard.

  4. Um no I'm not joking, they could not pick up all of the tires and are coming back for those, what's so hard to believe?

    It may happen all the time, but not this time, OK?

    I think Lynn should update the post so people can see that all is OK there, maybe even give a shout out to Caroline tires for all there help removing the tires!

  5. Huh, I thought it was "fact not fiction". Why don't you update the post for those that don't read the comments?

  6. Huh, anonymous--reveal yourself. I have another source who says you are wrong. People know how to read comments. Thanks.

  7. That was Wes's BFF!!

  8. OBVIOUSLY, the tires were NOT there after the cleanup. The crew would NOT HAVE left the tires in such a haphazard manner. Really sick, Wes. I wouldn't doubt that WES actually planted the tires there for a photo op! Lynn gave much deserved kudus to Caroline's . I hope that the MAYOR and the Commission recognizes them .What is happening to bank America? Who at Bank America directed the tires to be put inside? Maybe the Mayor and Commission can publicly condemn the bank! There really needs to be a boycott of Bank of America. Wes? How about doing something constructive. Oh sorry, I forgot that all you do is point fingers and whine.

  9. Time to get a list of all properties in the city owned by this bank. Then it's time to dump some tires right in front of their Lake Worth branch. Sort of a Boston Tea Party- but with tires ! Maybe instead of the bank, the tires should be dumped on the city hall steps. Wes, can you organize this? Oh right- you're so obsessed with this blog that you can't do anything but mutter Lynn's name, over and over. What in the FUC$ do our city workers do for eight hours a day? I see them driving around town and sitting in their trucks, but not much else. What in the FUC$ does Joan Oliva ,head of the CRA, do for eight hours a day ? The CRA MUST be re-districted OUT of our down town and into these districts. This is probably in the CRA district already.23 million could have cleaned up a butt load of trash.

  10. Unfortunately, there are always some who 100% miss the intent of the message. The message was, properties continually get cleaned up and within days are trashed again. That is the message here whether or not Lake Worth Live wants to run with another message.

  11. Caroline's Tires says they came back on Sat to get remaining tires. these were left there on Sat night or Sun

  12. Look, I do not know who you are but if you cannot be a responsible neighbor and you are going to trash this city go elsewhere. Please, just go.

    Sorry to say, no sooner is something cleaned up then more trash appears. Lynn is right.

  13. Not sure i understand what the idea is. So we should NOT do ANYTHING because it may get trashed again?! I think the the people who live next door to this dump would disagree. Is it disheartening? Of course!! But I choose to keep fighting, or cleaning up as the case may be. I feel good about the work that i did on Saturday - if for no other reason than the look of relief on the neighbors face.....even if its only temporary!!

  14. Did YOU help out? Or did you only complain and criticize everyone and everything again?

  15. Ok, I published your stupid comment, anonymous at 11:58. Again, you can't read nor can you interpret.
    I asked if all the neighbors with their smiling faces who were happy with your efforts help out? Just answer the question, preferably under your real name.
    I have not complained about those who helped in this project. Do you get that yet??????????????????????????????????

  16. YES those neighbors DID help. There was one elderly lady who was not able to participate...I think we can give her a pass :) She did however say how grateful she was.
    MY reason for helping wasn't dependent on whether or not the neighbors were pitching in. I feel we can all be stewards of our city - not just our own hood.
    On a side note, i do understand that there has been no complaint about those who did participate. thanks for allowing me to voice my opinion :)

  17. Thank you, Steffanie. Let's all hope that the low-lives who were dumping got the message. Thanks for your effort. I commend all who participated and who help make our city a better place to live.

  18. Unfortunately I am not surprised by this at all. My husband has repeatedly boarded up a problem property near our rental property (where there is ongoing crime and where there was a murder). The next week the property is unboarded and crime continues. We have asked code repeatedly to open a case on this property, which is not owned by a bank but is owned by a local investment company. We have asked PBSO repeatedly to police this property and have gotten mixed results. My husband will call PBSO before he boards it up to ask them to make sure its clear of criminals. Do you know that sometimes the officers tell him that they can't permit him to trespass on the property to board it up. ARE YOU KIDDING ME PBSO, you won't arrest people actually trespassing on the property engaged in drug sales and prostitution but all of a sudden you think that my husband using our money and supplies to board the property back up is considered trespassing. So, PBSO has him call the investment property co., and get permission from this investment co. that does nothing to maintain the property to get permission to board it up. This is a nuisance property, it should have a code and a PBSO case open on it but it doesn't and the investment co. should be required to tear it down.
