Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Spring Training stadium in Palm Beach County

Comment Up

None of the eight sites were discussed today on a list Wolfe (Audrey Wolfe, County Facilities Director) compiled of potential sites for the Astros and Nationals. But Commissioner Shelley Vana who represents Lake Worth, asked the County to add another site to the list – John Prince Park west of Lake Worth.

There was a huge lobby from the City of Lake Worth, commissioners and the president of the Neighborhood Association council, Mary Lindsey. Mary spoke saying that all the neighborhoods in Lake Worth were in agreement of a Spring training stadium in central PB County. Mayor Pam Triolo was there and pushed John Prince Park and said, "There is no better place for this kind of economic home run than right here. Let's at least have the conversation. That's what this is about. Making sure (the commission) knows that the Lake Worth area is ready and supportive of a baseball stadium.”

Robert Waples, President of the Residents of Lake Osborne Heights Neighborhood Association is in disagreement with the Neighborhood Council and is against a stadium in John Prince Park. His neighborhood would be directly affected and impacted.  Mr. Waples said, "This is not just about our neighborhood but the open spaces that will be lost and the natural habitats that will be chased out along with all the other nature along all of Lake Osborne."

The board of County Commissioners is leaving it up to the teams to decide where they want to be and they and the County are moving quickly.

Read about it...


  1. Shelly Vana knows that this issue is going nowhere fast.Vana just didn't have the balls to tell Lindsey and Triolo that they were total fuc$ing morons to their faces.This is just getting embarrassing.Talk about committing political suicide,,,,,

  2. As a former member of the NAPC while president of the South Palm Park NA, I can assure you that no campaign contributions were made by or even suggested by anyone at NAPC and especially not Mary Lindsey. She goes out of her way at every chance to make sure the NAPC only advocates for neighborhood and city improvement and enhancement.

    It is good Robert Waples spoke up about how an issue could affect his neighbors and show that there are other opinions about the benefit a spring training facility would have for the area.

    Others have expressed reservations about taking away park space for this type of private endeavor.

    Traffic will increase in whatever area it is located and will impact any neighborhood in the traffic pattern getting to and from it. But there is little doubt that our city also would benefit financially from a decision locating it somewhere in central Palm Beach County.

    Chip Guthrie

  3. I'm a fan of the AG Holley site, makes the most sense to me as that site will be fully redeveloped and the stadium and facilities could be properly incorporated into the site. Plus there are already ball fields that must remain at that site and its close to i-95 and on a 5 lane road better suited to accommodate traffic. We will be close enough to benefit.

  4. 10:27 above--that site just sold last week to a developer. Maybe he will change his mind. It would be a good site and there is direct access off I-95.

  5. To Greg Rice-
    I owe nothing more than I gave. Mistakes are made. At least I did not break a city ordinance or a law as you did with your banner on the Gulfstream hotel.
    Go blow smoke. :)
    The comments are now down and that should satisfy all of you little law breakers who won't accept an apology. It is more than the voters of this city got from you.

  6. @11:02, you think we should "oust" a citizens advocate like Mary. How completely false your statements are. Time to out yourself..........Helen Dell So. Lakeside

  7. The problem is the Yes/No
    Heights Vote Connection.
    I made the statement and
    provided links to public
    record so perhaps I can
    clear this up!

    Friends of the Gulf Stream PAC was formed by Greg Rice (Planning and Zoning Board) and Loretta Sharpe (Historical Preservation Board).

    Teresa Miller (VP of Parrot Cove NA at the time) and Marty Welfield gave 2K EACH (4K Total) to the Friends PAC, Mary Lindsey gave $100.

    These donations ARE legal and from citizens. They are not required to disclose this fact if you come before them on the P&Z or Historical
    Board, nor is Mary required to divulge her donations as NAPC President; same for Teresa & Marty
    who call REP Andy Amoroso 3-4X a day (about what I wonder?).

    It's what happened to "We the People's" Vote on Heights and what MY (Parrot Cove NA) DID During the (McVoy v. Stafford) Debates. They DENIED my question on heights. They had the audacity to ASK the audience FOR MORE QUESTIONS and REFUSED (for the 2x) to ask My Question on Heights. We were told the NA's residents sponsoring the debates would get to ask our questions first. That is NOT TRUE, ask the LW Herald, I was ticked and Mark knew it!

    NA's are NON POLITICAL and Can NOT engage in Propaganda. They (as shown in PUBLIC RECORD) supported the 'NO' Vote and MANIPULATED w/money and POWER the Voice of "We the People", no?

    The City Charter is like the Cities Bible; we created it, we believe in it and it governs US. The citizens of Lake Worth SPOKE (Voted) and the “Yes” Vote Won. In a city that declares there IS a Fair and Level Playing Field, this is disturbing to me!

    FYI: Most of THIS present commission DELAYED the 'Vote' on Heights; FORCED an Additional ELECTION at Significant COST to the LW Taxpayer.

    So to be DENIED or Told their 'YES VOTE' is Null and Void by State, present LW commish's & Lawyer IS ILLEGAL! Nothing is provided in The US, FL Constitution or City Charter that ALLOWS or AUTHORIZES a retroactive Denial of We the People's LEGAL VOTE on OUR CHARTER.

    In the end there IS a provision for US to PETITION our Gov. It’s called the Bill of Rights 1st Amendment.

    Amendment I
    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

    We Did "petition the Government for a redress of grievances", We Got On the Ballot, We Won and THIS Commission DENIED “We the People's Vote”; Our Voice and Our Choice.

    Now where the money went after the Friends of the Gulf Stream
    shut down IS IMPORTANT if you want to “Follow the Money and Find the Truth”.

    That's 'Why' I posted what I posted.

    Cottages of Lake Worth got $1,500.00
    and the NAPC got the $433.71

    These Unelected & Unaccountable people are messing w/YOUR Property
    Rights, NOT TELLING THE TRUTH about wassup and manipulating the non-profit law in their favor.

    It's Just NOT RIGHT!
    I thought YOU should Know!

    The TRUTH will set US Free!

  8. Where are the minutes posted for the NACP meetings? isn't it a requirement to make them public?
    Who represented each neighborhood association for the "we want the baseball teams' vote?

  9. Rice is the same person that owns the boarded up blight at 1306 and 1320 Lucerne who doesn't keep up his property and attracts vagrants, prostitutes, drunks, and all hiding out there and trashing it. According to the city and CRA, a property is only allowed to now be boarded up for one year and then it must either be demolished or rehabbed, why is it that these properties rice owns are allowed to bring down an entire neighborhood and city, because he is rich and famous and knows people in high places? Why doesn't he have to conform to the same rules as any other citizen? How can anyone really respect a person like rice who shows no respect for his fellow brothers and sisters leaving his property all boarded up, blighted, and with a roof caving in. If this property was in College Park or South Palmway, it would have been addressed years ago. This is very despicable of the owner to impose this blight on all the rest of us and make our city and neighborhood look so bad and attract so much crime and blight! God forgive you for all the bad things you have done rice. Lynn, looks like greg rice likes to break a lot of ordinances in our city, not just the banner one.

    "To Greg Rice-
    I owe nothing more than I gave. Mistakes are made. At least I did not break a city ordinance or a law as you did with your banner on the Gulfstream hotel.
    Go blow smoke. :)
    The comments are now down and that should satisfy all of you little law breakers who won't accept an apology. It is more than the voters of this city got from you.
