Monday, March 24, 2014

Spring training baseball in Palm Beach County

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See Channel 5's video from yesterday at John Prince Park: Channel 5 video

As some have always felt that they have no representation in their neighborhood in this area of District 1, this video proves it when their commissioner wants it and is pushing for it.


  1. Lynn, why are people so outraged over the commission simply asking the county to explore the park. Isn't it better to learn all the facts so an informed decision can be made and examined by all parties INCLUDING the surrounding neighbors?

  2. An informed decision about WHAT?

    You are back peddling right now. First it was "we want John Prince Park" it's a stadium in central Palm Beach county which means JPP...and even later as noticed above, let's explore the benefits to make an informed decision.

    Before you came out supporting this area for a Spring training facility, you should have done your D&D--ALL OF IT. Instead, you jumped on the growth at any cost train wreck to turn over 100 acres or so for corporate welfare at the expense of hundreds of thousands of visitors who use it, the wildlife, etc. and the neighborhood who will be affected by it.

    Give me a break.

  3. ???????????? another brilliant person at 10:47. Clueless.

  4. Maxwell, who wants to move on to higher office, is afraid. Very afraid. He knows he fell into a hornets nest while screwing the pooch on this one.

  5. I have to disagree with your comment 5:28. He was on Channel 5's Nightly news last night still talking about how PHENOMENAL it would be. I would bet they're still pushing it--BIG TIME.

  6. Maxwell is afraid? Of what? When the county makes their final decision and they put the park somewhere else so what? What does Maxwell lose? At least he TRIED. Made an effort. Kept Lake Worth's name in the news for positive reasons for a couple of weeks instead of what you guys do and make Lake Worth look like a bunch of uneducated misinformed tools.

  7. What's "positive" to you is not for me. And the truth of the matter is that most educated people and those who are not self-serving realize that we have a commission working against the neighbors here as well as the overall good of John Prince Park for the benefit of big corporations.

  8. Maxwell is TRYING TO HAVE A PUBLIC PARK DESTROYED !!! Lobbying for kicking little kids out of a park is not the way that I 'd want to keep my name in the news! The only people who are looking like a bunch of uneducated tools are the dirt bags like YOU anon at 12:02, who think that it's okay to ruin a public park so Billionaires can have a give away from here in Corruption County.
