Sunday, March 9, 2014

Seven/50 Exposed

Florida SEVEN50 Plan architect says "Fascism" is the way to implement new planning vision. Our present commission has a problem with some former commissioners who leaned toward socialism but now we have some on the present commission supporting facism? Fascism borrowed theories and terminology from socialism. Lake Worth Commissioner John Szerdi supports Seven/50.


  1. Interesting...

    John Szerdi was there and MISSED this COMPLETELY! Our reps are so compartmentalized that can not see the big picture EVEN WHEN they are told you are coming out of your cars and into compact cities!

    Here’s a summary of the Mayor of Vero words after attending the(2nd) presentation on Seven/50:

    “We withdrew from this and it’s a darn good thing we did, this group is a bunch of Radicals…don’t ever have anything to do with Seven/50…we made the right decision”.

    He was “Shocked to say the least”, called the presenter a “Clown”, told how cities and counties are “less important” and “only Mega-Regions are important” in the world view.

    He was so upset he almost got up and left after hearing, “Fascism is the best form of government to implement these changes”, (someone laughed and the Mayor quickly responded), “That’s not even funny, that’s not funny. This is the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council”.

    He goes on to report the clown saying, “We shouldn’t have any more of these meetings, just pass the thing and be done with it”, we “will be transcending local control” & “create a utopian community”.

    Maybe the most disturbing comment was, “You need a very small group of people to make the decisions…not the cities…no more than 4 people” (Subsidiarity: the theory of government that holds that decisions should be made by the smallest party that can competently make it).

    In closing, the Vero Mayor firmly states, “I thought the Gestapo was going to walk into the room I mean this guy is an Arrogant Pompass A**”.

    What did this “Arrogant Pompass A**” say? You heard it now read it.

    “City, County, MPO, Seven/50, Florida, USA then United Nations”

    “No way we’re gonna avoid building the COMPACT CITIES that the 21st century needs”. “There is no way we can dodge the bullet that the CARS are going out, that the AUTOMOBILE dependency is going out, we can’t dodge it in the long run and what I would urge you to do is that whatever we do here…that it be done FAST”.

    “These Mega-Regions, anyone of these can Throw an Election in Washington, any one of them”!

    “We don’t need to have more Public Meetings like this. We should just finish the thing and you should pass it…you should just Trust Us and Pass It”.

    you can say what you like but it’s efficient”.

    “We design who makes what decision and when”.

    “The Principle is: the smallest party that can competently make it, let’s decide as little as possible now and download to others later… because they’ll be more competent to do it”.

    "O, what a tangled web we weave when we practice to deceive"

    (Link to Mayor Fletcher Comments

  2. Please Watch Jerry Kychelhahn's Video (Only 21 minutes)
    Martin County Commissioners Meeting (Voted Out Seven/50)

    NO UN, Agenda 21, Conspiracy Stuff or Trains to Nowhere Talk.

    This guy Follows the Money and is someone you all can listen to as he's a cross between Steve Car (soft spoken) and the Mayor (good speaker).

    At 12 min Jerry talks about City Place and Abacoa (Bars &
    urine in the streets, didn't believe it so he went and looked)

    Will our Neighborhood Associations inform US of the same? We have a right to know what is PLANNED for US, no?

