Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Quote of the Day - Alex Larsen

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"Here we go again, other people's money...I'm sick of corporate welfare...we're not benefiting from this...We're supposed to take care of the people and we are not supposed to put them in debt until they go blind. That's the problem...this is big dollars and the debt service is insane in this county...When I heard 'John Prince Park', I knew they couldn't do that."

 ~ Alexandra Larsen -- Alex is a long time watchdog of PB County spending, an environmentalist and describes herself  as a "preservationist."

Speaking to the PB County Board of Commissioners on their approving a Spring Training Stadium being built in Palm Beach County.

There were about eight who spoke, five of whom were from Lake Worth:  Pam Triolo, Marty Welfeld, Terry Brokovich, Greg Rice and Mary Lindsey. No matter who spoke, and whether or not they mentioned John Prince Park specifically as did Mayor Pam Triolo, we knew what area they were talking about (they had already made that crystal clear at the Lake Worth City Commission meeting) when they all said that they wanted the county commission to bring a training site to central PB County. 


  1. The big contributors Welfeld and wife Teresa and the usual people. Didn't Andy say they stopped by his store at least 3 times a day? Where was Loretta?

  2. At least Loretta occasionally shows a spark of reason. The same can't be said of Welfeld and his wife.
