Saturday, March 15, 2014

Pow Wow at Bryant Park

A source has said that managers from area halfway houses conducted a meeting this morning at our Bryant Park. The parking lot was filled; some were bussed in. According to Facebook, Occupy Palm Beach was supposed to be meeting there as well. At 11:30, all was quiet.

A halfway house is a place to allow convicted criminals to begin the process of reintegration with society. According to Dr. Howard Samuels of the Hills Treatment Center--

Sober living houses are often confused for halfway houses. A halfway house is generally provided for those released from jail or prison, and serves as a reintegration tool. Many halfway houses treat substance abuse, although this may not be their primary focus. Some are reserved solely for those with severe mental disorders. Halfway houses often involve a program of treatment with daily groups and meetings. These facilities are government funded, and may be free or low-cost.

Sober living houses are private residences, usually providing support for those struggling with a substance abuse problem. They differ in structure and prices, but generally have less structure than a halfway house. Sober livings are attended voluntarily, and are not usually court-mandated. Provided as a means for reintegration of recovering addicts, sober living houses give the recovering addict a healthy peer network and model of recovery.

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