Friday, March 28, 2014

One of the Good Guys

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City Commission regular, Peter Timm. There was a time I disagreed with him on almost everything...then the commission changed. Mr. Timm is always looking out for you! He goes into city hall the day of the meeting and reads most of the back-up. He is probably one of the most informed residents in the city. And to rhyme a phrase-- He always brings up important facts and never ever talks about cats. (You have to go to city commission meetings to understand!) I asked him how he felt to NEVER have this commission agree with him.  He answered with a smile,

 "I don't care."


  1. Mr.Timm, Is always wrong.

  2. We love you, Mr. Timm! Timm for president !

  3. Most of the time he is very polite and right on point.

  4. If we had 20 more like him showing up at meetings and speaking truth to power we wouldn't have this rotten no-good group of commissioners up there.

  5. When those sitting on the dais start making fun of residents it's time for them to step down!
