Thursday, March 20, 2014

Neighborhood takes action against the use of John Prince Park as a Spring training stadium

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Residents of Lake Osborne Heights will have a nature walk this Saturday afternoon at John Price Park to bring awareness of all its amenities and natural beauty in protest of tearing it up for a Spring training stadium.

Read the Palm Beach Post article to find out the details if you missed them on this blog earlier.


  1. The Lake Worth Herald just attacked the entire neighborhood association leadership of ROLOH and even said they "don't do much either." This is all over the NA's stand against John Prince Park as a baseball stadium for billion dollar corporations to go in there and totally destroy this park.

    The President, Robert Waples, does more in this city than anyone to help people in need. He doesn't even require a "thank you." That's a fact and the LW Herald should know this, if it cares.

  2. Oh Lynn don't get over heated. That dead pelican that thinks it can write is about as relevant as the Bully Blogger that thinks he is somebody.

    All the Pelican did was probably cause some people to cancel their subscriptions well the 10 that actually have one.

  3. My Gawd you make it sound like they want the whole Damn Park, when the truth is less than a quarter of the park would be used. Next you will be screaming they want to put 30 story condos right next door to your front door.

  4. The park walk will be a chance to see some areas of John Prince that people don't usually get a chance to see. This park is truly unique. Destroying this park for a giveaway to Billionaire ball club owners makes no sense.

  5. To tear up 80 to 100 acres would be criminal in the eyes of many, anonymous as this is a beautiful park enjoyed by thousands. And where they want to put it--as someone said in my neighborhood, "gee, I could stand on my balcony and catch a fly ball."

    Once you ruin something, the whole neighborhood goes. This is not Abacoa.

    And yes, we would protest anything over two stories out here as this is zoned for single family 7. We also don't like the affordable rentals being built across the lake from us...another brilliant commission decision all for tax dollars they may or may not get depending on what the owner does in the future. He might take a lesson from Ramiccio and what he did with the chamber building.

  6. Who exactly is We, are you Royalty? Ohio jut you being selfish as usual.

  7. WE are the people in this neighborhood, anonymous...not royalty---just middle-class folks who want to protect their homes and where they live.

  8. And you speak for every person who lives in your
    Neighborhood . Talk about the NACP taking a stand at
    Least they have neighborhood association behind them.
    Take a look over your shoulder ?

  9. I speak for me and everyone with whom I have had the opportunity to talk with on this situation.

    Thanks, Pete.
