Saturday, March 15, 2014

Neighborhood Associations

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Always having said that the Neighborhood Associations are highly, politically charged, here is an excerpt from the NAPC legal ByLaws:

NAPC ByLaws:
"No substantial part of the activities of the corporation shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the corporation shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office."
Where this gets them off the hook is the word "substantial."  They can get away with a little bit of propaganda. But what they can do, cleverly and indirectly, is influence its council membership who in turn influences its neighborhood association members who do take positions on local or national issues and who look up to them as leaders who they believe know what in heck they're talking about and who are leading them in the right direction.

The local level is the most important when it comes to politics--it all starts here and trickles on up. Leaders in neighborhood associations have contacts with local officials and their voices are heard. Our elected officials are traveling all over the place to network and obtain stature and in some cases possibly working against our best interests. There has always been an inequitable struggle to influence elected officials on different points of view. One lone guy can't do it but strength in numbers, that a neighborhood association has, can sometimes override that struggle.

So, any group can affect policies such as having an elected county commissioner putting John Prince Park on the list of possible spring training stadium sites...a little bit of propaganda...a little bit of influence.


  1. Might or might not be a good idea.

    How would we know? The news? The Blogs? When was the discussion and debate in an open mic forum. How were we the people asked if we think this is a good idea? Where's the concurrency report? What is the cost in city staff labor to pursue this over potholes? Thought the NA's were the way to contact US and Ask, no?

    Is this what some say means, "No Opposition?" We have 16 Boards (reset and stacked in the present commissions image), 16 NA's (17 Genesis?) & the NAPC that claim to speak for you in 10 minute (citizens get 2 min) presentations to the LW Commissioners.

    So what's a little propaganda?
    Seems the ends justify the means?
    Smarter People now decide for you?

    Subsidiarity: the theory of government that holds that decisions should be made by the smallest party that can competently make it." -
    Andre Duany 'Seven/50 Promoter'

  2. I,mistakenly it seems, thought that the purpose of the NAPC was to protect our neighborhoods and to improve the quality of life for all our residents . Strength in numbers and all that. Having my neighborhood association, ROLOH, thrown under the bus by the president of the NAPC has certainly opened my eyes .Just my own personal opinion. Katie Mcgiveron

  3. After receiving unanimous (meaning everybody) support of a resolution for the NAPC to support the idea that having a spring training facility I our midst would be very good for us all, Mary, the NAPC Chair, represented that opinion to the commission both city and county. That is what we all agreed to.

    In what way did she throw ROLOH under what bus? After the unanimous vote should she have spoken against it? Even if one NA had spoken against it, wouldn't majority rule and didn't each NA have a representative there?

    They can revisit it all they want. It doesn't make what Mary did wrong or propaganda.

  4. t wasn't just in our "midst," it was specifically John Prince Park. The way that I understand it was, it was to support a spring Training stadium in PB county. Somehow it all got twisted around. I think Robert is adamant about it. Easton ran with a a slap down editorial in support of his friend Mary and the John Price Park site, without even talking with Robert and the blogger bully is into character assassination, his MO. It's a shame that things like this happen as Robert is a genuine person. It's probably time to put it to rest. The damage has all been done by people who love that sort of thing.

    Yes, majority would rule I would guess but it was announced that ALL NA's were in support of John Prince Park.

    John Price Park will never fly as a stadium, IMO. It's too bad that it all got out of control.

  5. Go listen to the tape. Mary never mentioned JPP. Only central Palm Beach County. That was on purpose. JPP doesn't seem like the best place for many of us. Me included. But Lake Worth is notorious for representing one thing and then "changing our minds"

    Robert wants a conversation. Great. Just who got thrown under the bus?

  6. Mary, in front of the Lake Worth city Commission, most DEFINITELY said the NA's were in support of John Prince Park.

  7. Mary always touts how the NA's and NAPC are not political, but she is full of shit. She is one of the most political people in this city, twisting and turning everything to the way she wants to slant it, I think many more are seeing this side of her, she might work hard, but she has her reasons and motivation to do so much without any regard for how the people in any NA feel. Mary seems to be more and more shrewd the more we all get to know her. The entire NAPC is not even a needed entity, the NA are enough, it is all a waste, they do next to nothing just politicking,recall how they handled the campaign debates in the dwtn Lake Worth Playhouse a few years ago, the NAPC is one of the most political entities in this city, most due to how Mary runs things. She needs to learn that she does not speak for anyone but herself, and we all need to start reminding her of this too. Capiche Mary?

  8. Which at that time ALL were. At the County commission meeting she had heard that ROLOH had changed their stance and said only that "central Palm Beach County" would be a benefit to the neighboring communities.

  9. First of all, I want to state that the above poster under the name HELEN is not my friend, Helen. Also, as president of the NA, I think that she was elected to speak for all of the neighborhoods after consensus from her board. It is a powerful position and I wrote about this years back under the Dirty Dozen series. Mary has taken all of the steps to be a powerful voice in this city.

    Next, yes, Mary was very calculating and clever in stating PB county as a home for a Spring training camp when she spoke before the County commissioners. However, several of her supporters that she had there did say John Prince Park such as the mayor. Next, they had enough voice to have Shelley Vana put the site on the list of possibles. All it did was make Vana look weak, IMO.

  10. I am a snow bird and our family has owned homes on Lakeside for over 40 years. I have only heard good things about Mary Lindsey. Tireless worker for the city, smart, organized and humble regarding her accomplishments It is dismaying to me to read disparaging comments about her. Is this how we should treat someone who gives so much. .....Helen Dell

  11. You have heard only good things about Mary. Yes, she has done some wonderful things to help the city. Promoting John Prince Park as a baseball stadium is not one of them. Of course, the majority commission is also in favor of tearing up a beautiful park. I do HIGHLY resent Scott Maxwell and any commissioner lobbying for this with our neighboring cities such as Palm Springs. They never asked anyone in the immediate neighborhood (ROLOH)that would be affected by it what they thought. They didn't give a flying fig.

  12. Helen, you don't own property in LW so really, you could be anyone doing some preaching here. You're anonymous as far as anyone should be concerned.
