Friday, March 21, 2014

Low cost rentals ground-breaking in Lake Worth

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Originally selling the land for $1, last year, the CRA defended the low-cost apartment rental building and its investment of $2 million from the NSP2 grant. Read what they had to say... back in August. There is a long history with this piece of property involving the CRA.

La Joya Village was on the Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners agenda on March 12, 2013 approving the issuance of up to $6 million in revenue bonds to finance the acquisition approving GA Housing LLC or other tax exempt investment fund sponsored by Red Stone Partners and community & Southern Bank or an affiliate thereof, as the Purchaser of said bonds, within the meaning of Palm Beach County Code Section 2-190. The county is not involved in any way to pay the principal or interest on the bonds.

One property owner across from La Joya said at the time this was first announced that "There's a lot of things going on, drugs deals, things you wouldn't want in your neighborhood." City Manager  Mike Bornstein has said that he hopes La Joya Villages will “inspire some confidence and reinvestment” in this neighborhood.  Just because it is new housing stock does not mean that the neighborhood will stabilize or that crime and blight will be eliminated.  That often comes with the growth of low-cost rentals which can and very often does undermine the quality of life and threatens residents who simply want safe and clean places to live.


  1. You have to admit that ANYTHING on that corner, is BETTER than the empty lot that is nothing but a dumping ground. It is an eyesore, and hopefully will bring some MUCH NEEDED development ( oh my god I used a bad word) to this often ignored area

  2. Is this meant to be gentrification???

  3. I'll take the empty lot/dumping ground! At least there was green grass. This looks like the kind of apartment buildings they were building in the 70s. SUPER DUPER ugly. Blehh! THANKS a lot, CRA. Uglifying Lake Worth more and more each day...

  4. Just what we need more low cost rental housing ! This is guaranteed to increase blight, drugs and everything else we do not want. We need home owners with a desire to make Lake Worth a beautiful place to live west of Dixie.
