Monday, March 10, 2014

League of Cities Annual Conference

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Our favorite national travelers are at it again. Andy Amoroso is in Washington, D.C. at the annual League of Cities conference.  Afterall, he is the Vice President of the Gay and Lesbian group of the League of Cities. Guess who else is there?  Vice Mayor Scott Maxwell, president of the Palm Beach County League. These guys were just out in Seattle in November at the League of Cities national convention.. We would like to hear about the benefit to Lake Worth. We can't fill a pothole to last but spending money on conventions has become the norm as well as telling residents it's none of our business.

Can we take care of our local problems first, commissioners?
  • Date: March 8, 2014 - March 12, 2014
  • Location: Marriott Wardman Park, Washington, D.C.
  • Category: Annual Conference


The Congressional City Conference brings together more than 2,000 elected and appointed city leaders to focus on the federal policy issues that are important to local governments. Your partnership with the National League of Cities ensures the nation's cities a seat at the decision-making table with members of Congress, the White House, and federal agencies looking for solutions to addressing the nation's most pressing challenges. Additionally, you'll learn about the federal programs, funding opportunities and resources available to implement the most innovative practices at the local level.


  1. Ask them at the next commission meeting, I am sure they would love to tell you about their trip, and the benefits to the city. Let them know you are going to report their answers on your blog.

  2. What does the Taxpayer say?March 10, 2014 at 6:27 PM

    Personally, I am happy they go to these events outside of LW. What good would our elected officials be if they never left LW and didn't interact with other intelligent people. Don't we want elected people who understand the issue facing all cities of our nation and who continue to learn and improve their knowledge and skills? I have no problem with my tax dollars being spent this way, doesn't bother me one bit.

  3. you can't get answers out of any of them.

  4. anonymous at 6:27--not particularly...we don't elect people to travel in order to understand issues facing all of our cities of our nation...why would we do that? We elect officials to clean up this city and get it moving in the right direction. They don't need to travel to understand that Lake Worth has a slum and blight issue as well as crime...can't forget insolent people as well.

    Come up with a better arbitrary argument and post with your real name so that we can identify the "other intelligent people."

  5. There really are people in this city that drink the koolaid. Jim Jones, here I come. Pathetic, anonymous above as I look out to the road and see this humongous pothole. I guess the cities group will teach them how to fill in a damn hole. more like teach them how to make a Bloody mary.
