Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Last night's meeting Lake Worth

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Mathews Consulting Presentation
If you recall, they were hired by the city to oversee Mock Roos Engineers on the Park of Commerce project (the salvation of Lake Worth according to the "visionaries") and a firm that has worked for our city for 50 years. We are paying them $349,930 to ensure that everything the engineering firm is doing is right and on time.

Inmate Labor
Florida Department of Corrections will provide inmate labor in work programs under the supervision of the Florida Department’s staff. An inmate work squad consists of up to seven inmates plus a Florida Department of Corrections Guard/Supervisor. The work squad is available five days per week throughout the year except when a Department of Correction Guard is on vacation or sick. This service will continue to be overseen by the City’s Ground Maintenance Division. And get this--they have to use E-verify to verify eligibility of all persons employed during the contract term. Cost:  $23,957.08.

CRA Shuffleboard Court property Lease
We turned over control of our shuffleboard Court property to the CRA to be used for arts. We just can't get enough art or enough CRA. They in turn sub-leased the property to the Armory Art Center for one year. Because of that action, the lease with the CRA had to be amended. For various tuition charges, you too can become an artist.  Go with the flow.

Sun Recycling and our Landfill
Not once did the city mention the contract terms...out of sight for city staff and commissioners and certainly out of the minds of the residents. They bent over backwards in sending out surveys with self-stamped return envelopes. Only 10% returned them which showed that there was little interest or no problems left in the Osborne area. It is a landfill that was compromised--big time--by a firm whose operators had no conscience. 6,000 truckloads of construction material, some highly questionable, dumped on our property as a pretense to building a staging area for hurricanes.  We believe that the membrane was penetrated by these heavy trucks allowing gas to escape causing odors and sickness. We did find out that one commissioner, Andy Amoroso, has walked on the property without experiencing any odors or any problems. Sun Recycling got off the hook because of our lack of resolve. It was cheaper to forget about what they did, forget about the contract terms and move on. Anyone can come to Lake Worth and get away with just about anything because our legal team will find a way to appeasement.

Right of Way at 1501 N. L Street
The City gave that away too on a Revocable Permit on the First Reading. It was said by the city manager that we don't understand rights-of-way. 

Beach Decal parking
As predicted, the city commission gave away the availability of use of our 50 decal spots to non-residents. Even after having made the motion to do so, the speaker for the out-of-country Snowbirds said that charging them more money than residents was "unfair." You can't win with people who want it all. And you definitely can't win with a commission that is confused about what is "fair" or the circumstances of today compared to the circumstances of yesterday.

Also it was said last night that residents who rent couldn't get a decal which is not the case. Then Juan Ruiz clarified by saying that they had to have a year's lease which is a requirement.  Also mentioned was that the decal could be pro-rated. When did that happen?  I talked to Juan this morning and he wants to change that stipulation and I agree. The city will bend over backwards for these non-resident property owners for 50 decal spaces. Unbelievable. There even was a person who complained that there was no handicapped parking in the resident decal parking area. WTF?

Parking spaces are always filled on weekends, according to Juan Ruiz Recreational Director.  Holidays, forget about it.  Spring Break--don't even go there.

Some interesting quotes from the beach decal discussion:

Remembering that we have 50 decal parking spots--

Scott Maxwell:  We need to take a hard look at costs...wants to significantly increase the benefit to the residents and ridicules the amount we have been paying. (We now know where he disappeared to for 45 minutes or so--he traveled to the ROLOH neighborhood association meeting, a rare appearance)
Pam Triolo:  Let's charge $50 for residents and $75 for Snowbirds.
Andy Amoroso:  I don't want any cap on the number sold because it would discriminate against your residents. (It was said that 1745 permits had been sold for 50 spots)
Mike Bornstein, city manager:  Sell as many as you will be like a lottery ticket to find a parking spot. It will be car "bling."

In looking over my beach decal receipts, the following charges applied not including tax:
2006:  $10 for a resident---$30 for a snowbird
This continued until...
2009:  $20 for a resident---$60 Seasonal
This continued until...
2013:  $30 for a resident

Some of the required Documentation to purchase a beach decal:
For Residents: Fl Drivers License, FL Vehicle regisgtration, homestead Exemption card, Ad Valorem tax receipt, Utility bill and if a renter, a one year lease minimum.
For snowbirds in the past when we had an unlimited number of spaces:  FL Driver's License, Vehicle registration, Ad Valorem Tax Receipt or Mobile Home Registration.

Roadway and utilities master Plan Capital projects
There was some question as to whether this was the 2020 Plan. Answer-- NO.

Professional services agreement with URS Corporation Southern for engineering, design and construction services for the Roadway and Utilities Master Plan Capital Projects for a twenty-four month term with provisions for three two-year renewals. The initial work authorization is for engineering and permitting services for Year 1 Projects # 2, 4 and 7 in a lump sum amount of $681,807.

Agreement with Craven Thompson & Associates, Inc. for engineering, design and construction services for  the Roadway and Utilities Master Plan Capital Projects for a twenty-four month term with provisions for three two year renewals. The initial work authorization is for engineering and permitting services for Year 1 Projects # 1,3,5,6 and 8, in a lump sum amount of $467,185.


  1. "I talked to Juan this morning and he wants to change that stipulation and I agree".
    So you're calling city staff during the day while they are busy and wasting their time with your mindless nonsense.
    Delusional is too weak a word to describe you. You need some serious help.

  2. To 10:26 a.m. What is wrong with calling city staff about anything? I thought the theme of the city was working together. Did you forget the city commission and employees work for the residents? Have YOU ever called staff with a constructive thought or idea?

  3. Gosh, talk abut inept? This city takes the cake.

  4. I wish I could reach anyone at the City, its nice that Lynn can reach people.

    Please post more on the right of way issue and the revocable permit, are they paying for this city proeprty?

  5. On a very positive note, the city is begining to handle the vacant houses with its new ordinance that helps deputies make arrests of people staying in vacant or abandoned homes. This should please all the folks like me who support the city's effort to get rid of blight. The previous commission did not care about slum and blight in the least. This commission is serious about it. Hip, hip horray!

  6. To say that the last commission did not care about slum and blight is simply untrue. Where do you get this stuff from? We finally have some ordinances in effect that may give code some teeth. That IS a good thing.

    William Waters has written 44 ordinances over the past 4 years to help in this regard.

  7. Yes Lynn if I am incorrect, I am sure you will tell me. But was it not the previous Commission that turned the Shuffleboard Courts into an mentoring center for illegal immigrants, decimated code, and had a Boarding House for protesters for Earth first Protests.

  8. The Mentoring Center came about under the regime of Jeff Clemens when he was mayor. It existed for 2 years until Stanton was hired and she did not renew the lease.

    It is NOT true that they decimated code. I have answered that so many times and have told you that code was reduced by one code officer then during the budget cuts.

    Don't know a thing about a boarding house for Earth First. In 2010, they moved their HQ to 1307 Central Trail in Lake Worth. I have no idea if they are still there.

  9. Cara Jennings, and Peter, major supporters of Mulvehile were the owners and operators of the boarding house, but you knew that, as I m sure you enjoyed the fresh produce that they (did) do grow I heard the are no longer longer living west of the tracks,so personally I do not know if they are still running the Bording house, Nor do I care.

  10. As I said, I do NOT know anything about a boarding house. Don't know anything about a garden. I swear you must be a fiction writer.

    You must care about it as you have now posted twice about it.

    I have no idea where they are living. Mulvehill had MANY supporters, I for one.
