Monday, March 3, 2014

Lake Worth to pass a Resolution - Visionaries Dreaming big

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John Prince Park is believed to be the second oldest county park in Florida with 726 acres which includes 338 lake acres. John Prince was a Palm Beach county commissioner who got the State of Florida to donate these acres to the county for a park.  It was eventually named after him in memory of his diligence and perseverance in obtaining it for all the residents of Palm Beach County and the tens of thousands of visitors it attracts year round.

It has many amenities some of which include a 4.5 mile walking path,  3 softball fields, a splashpark, 8 tennis courts, 2 volleyball grass courts and 6 sand volleyball courts. It has fishing, an RV park, 4 basketball courts, picnic pavilions, a golf learning center, canoeing and kayaking access and so much more.

The County Board of Commissioners will meet to discuss a Spring Training camp at the park and/or at other locations. UPDATE: There is nothing on their immediate agenda to discuss John Prince Park or any other location. Former congressman Mark Foley was hired by the Nationals to find a site. Coincidentally, Foley gave campaign contributions to our "visionary" present LW commission. Tomorrow night, the Lake Worth City Commission wants to hit the public over the head with a baseball bat by passing  Resolution No. 10-2014 to support a major league baseball training camp at John Prince Park.

The expense of a "dream" of this magnitude makes the roads infrastructure program cost look like "peanuts" in comparison.

Photo: Damon Higgins of the PB Post


  1. Isn't it Greg Rice's motto to "Think big" All those who tried to defeat the height amendment in our downtown will go along with tearing up this county park in the name of development and $$$$ that it would bring. I can't envision too many exceptions. They don't ever talk about the cost which would be $600 million easy and the hell with the environment.

  2. I love baseball. Spring training in our town would be great! Bring it on!

  3. It's not about you, anonymous at 9:56. it's about big business and county taxpayers paying a small fortune.

  4. I don't think you get economics 101. Business generates money. Yes it will cost the government money to support the infrastructure but if this should happen millions of dollars will be generated here as tourists come in to see the games and spend their money here. jobs will be created to support new businesses that will spring up to support the enterprise and so much more. I guess you feel that things should just stay the same. No new commerce will generate more slum and blight which you complain about all the time yet have no answers to stop it. I say bring on the ball teams.

  5. Other than mentioning it would cost a cool fortune, I haven't made an opinion for or against it, anonymous. Your assumptions are political bull, anonymous,and typical.

  6. It must really suck living life without any dreams

  7. The commission is speaking for every person in this city without even asking them or exploring the pros and cons.

  8. So know we should not dream? Would it not be nice if something good could happen in Lake Worth that might bring jobs, bring in moneies which are desperately needed, And not cause fighting within the Comunity.

  9. Bring on Baseball at John Prince!!!

  10. Lynn @ 11:54 what a charming happy person you are.

  11. Sorry--I was at need to get a grip. Also, delighted to know that you see a charming and happy person here.

  12. My name is Katie Mcgiveron and I am the vice president of the ROLOH neighborhood, which will be directly impacted by this proposed stadium.NO ONE in the city administration or Commission has bothered to inform us of anything . Nothing. As Vice president , I answer to the people of my neighborhood. Our Commission is supposed to answer to all of us. The impact on my neighborhoods should be of great concern . Red flags should be dropping from the skies over this issue. For our Commission to prematurely bring forth a resolution in favor of this is incredibly short sighted. We in the western part of Lake Worth are tired of being crapped on. For eight years we have fought against inappropriate zoning in our neighborhood. We fought to get train horns silenced for four years. Now this potential disaster? There is so much wrong with this plan that it is hard to comprehend. If you scream to the world about how poor the city is at every opportunity, someone will finally listen to you. Lake Worth is being asked by the lobbyist Mark Foley to be the dumping ground for the entire east coast of Florida. He has brought our Commissioners to D.C. and wined and dined them. Given them rose colored glasses to wear. Never mind that other towns with a slight bit of common sense have refused to inflict this stadium upon their citizens, Boca and Palm beach Gardens being just two of the places that said no way. Finally, if this was going to be put next door to our Commissioners neighborhoods would they be so ready to shove it down our throats?

  13. Who was wined and dined by Foley...

  14. Hey my name is Katie mgiveron- You obviously hate the current commission and criticize everything they do or say. You didn't vote for them, you wouldn't have voted for any of them if there was an election this year. You have plenty of complaints but no solutions other than to call ch. 12. Why should the commission go through the charade of asking you anything? Just to pacify your ego?
    Good luck with that affliction.

  15. Katie's away today but I will answer this for her--
    She actually voted for this trio of commissioners who NEVER give her the courtesy of answering her calls. Maxwell does answer his phone, however. She is a VP of a neighborhood association and never harasses them with numerous calls. She hates no one.
    Katie has NO ego whatsoever so to throw that personal attack her way is just wrong.
    P.S. What ARE the solutions that this commission has to rid us of slum, blight and crime?
    You guys, as said on numerous occasions, are great at throwing stones. Take up some new hobby.
