Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Lake Worth Chronicles - A Parody

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Our story opens in a small town called Lake Worthless, twenty-five years into the future. Les Lackman and Anna Marie Windy-Runt walk hand in hand down the bombed out, bummed out and blighted main street of Lake Worthless.

Windy-Runt: I can't believe that you aren't gay anymore.

Les Lackman:(Singing) I like big boobs and I cannot lie... Sorry. There was just no more political capital in being gay.

Windy-Runt: Do you want to go over to the crater?

Les Lackman: No . It depresses me. Who knew Wobbles would be so right? The brand new baseball stadium in old John Prince Park, bombed by terrorists on the pre-opening day gala. We lost a lot of good people on that day...Mayor Pim Tralala, Commissioner Andy Imaloser...

Windy-Runt: It could have been a lot worse. Only the officials and local politicians were there. Are you sure that you don't want to bring your noodle, jump on your bike and go to Memorial Lake ? Ex- Lake Worthless commissioner Scud Maxwealth runs the paddleboat concessions there. He might let us ride for free and throw in a free burger or two.

Les Lackman: Remind me again why Scud Maxwealth and Christopher Mcvan didn't get blown up.

Windy-Runt: Rumor has it that Maxwealth was up late the night before partying with Marsha Foley and the old Lake Worthless Herald editor, Bark Eastmens. They were all passed out and didn't wake  up in time to make it to the ceremony. Mcvan boycotted the event and was off on a mission to save dolphins in Japan.

Les Lackman: Lynnley Andershine funded that dolphin saving trip. I can't believe that Andershine is the richest woman in the world.

Windy-Runt: I know. Andershine won the biggest Power Ball in history and left town with all her friends, the reason stated was because of all the corrupt elected officials who decided to put the baseball stadium in old JPP. Andershine's wealth and influence just kept expanding, getting bigger and bigger! I hate it !

To be continued by Anonymous Guest Blogger...


  1. OMG ! Too funny !

  2. Just proves you can't kill evil. I still see that banner on the old gulfstream bldg.

  3. How stupid and not funny. At least Wes' parodys and skits are funny.

  4. No they're not, Wes! You're really not funny in the least tiny bit.

  5. What's funny about liking noodles for God's sake?

  6. I love this parody. Going to laugh my ass off every time I see Wes now.

  7. Glad to see the multi-story newer buildings in the background are un-affected by that senseless act. Also, hope no one who lost a family member during the attack on America September 11 2001 read this attempt to politicize that horrible day.

  8. To bad it Ida Parody, IMO it would be wonderful if you left town.
