Monday, March 24, 2014

John Prince Park Weekend gathering

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A few photos


  1. Maxwell really is the poster child for district by district, NOT city wide voting. The residents west of I-95 have absolutely no representation . AGAIN ! Maxwell SHOULD be representing his district voters, district one. Instead, he has been playing some serious footsie with a disgraced ex-Congressman for who knows how long.
    What really makes me sick is that he, Mayor Pam Triolo and the rest of the Lake Worth city commission (except for Mcvoy ) are so willing to destroy a park that countless people use. All in the name of some idiotic idea that if they destroy a park that thousands of people a day use, plop down a baseball stadium that the tax payers of Palm Beach county will have to pay for, that the NEW supposedly thousands of people will flock into Lake Worth throwing all sorts of money around. If Maxwell's argument had a grain of truth to it, then the thousands ALREADY USING JPP EVERY DAY WOULD BE SPENDING MONEY IN LAKE WORTH TODAY ! These people get to use JPP for FREE! They have money in their pockets. Maxwell's beloved fantasy baseball crowd will have to pay for parking, pay for food and drinks, pay for souvenirs, pay to watch the game. And then these broke fantasy fans of Lake Worth are going to flock into town spending EVEN MORE MONEY ?!? BULL CRAP! In the interview, Maxwell was standing in front of the children's splash park and playground, which will be destroyed if Maxwell gets his way. He didn't express ANY regrets or remorse. Again, how sick, twisted and just plain money-hungry is this man?

  2. Just because he is Standing in front of the Water Park, does not mean that is where the Stadium would be, and the way this blog goes on an on about the homeless, I thought that was the majority of the people utilizing JPP.

  3. Just another ridiculous comment, anonymous at 7:38. You don't seem to know too much. It would be as stupid as someone saying that the majority of the people using the Cultural Plaza or Bryant Park are the homeless.

    Solve the immediate problems in our city instead of sweeping them all under the rug of ineffectual leadership. :) Like that line?

  4. Actually yes I do like that line, I wonder where You read it.

  5. That's a Lynn Anderson special using under the rug that has been around forever. You like it, huh?
