Monday, March 31, 2014

It's over for Big Sugar - No more dumping in Lake Okeechobee

No more toxic green slime--

Earthjustice contended that the South Florida Water Management District was violating the Clean Water Act by allowing the agricultural companies (Big Sugar)  to send fertilizer-laden water into public water supplies, instead of cleaning it up first. They just won an eleven year legal battle. The government can wear you down and wear you out using your own tax dollars to fight you.

U.S. District Judge Kenneth M. Karas in the Southern District of New York ruled today that the water transfer practice does, indeed, violate the Clean Water Act. Read how it got in the jurisdiction of a New York judge. And read about how environmentalists can make a difference.

It has to make you wonder why we even have to go to court to sue government and/or their agencies to do the right thing. Thank God this judge was sensible and knew his stuff.

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