Thursday, March 6, 2014

Florida Highway Speed - It can kill

Jeff Clemen's bill, SB392 will be a "done deal." This is the bill that will raise the speed limits to 75 mph on some highways. It just passed in the Senate and in the House Transportation & Highway Safety Subcommittee.

A lobbyist for AAA Auto Club South, said the proposal will result in more accidents if Florida joins Maine to become the only state east of the Mississippi River with speed limits higher than 70 mph. No one listened.  Others against it are the National Safety Council and the Consumer Federation of the Southeast. The legislature   wants Florida drivers to have the ability to pretend they are Dale Earnhardt. We know what happened to him.

We can trust that lobbyists do everything within their money and power to influence a vote. The best quote of the day was some bozo who said that we should put our trust in government:

 “I’m trusting DOT would be an entity we can all hopefully have faith in to objectively make a good decision."

~ Keith Perry, Gainesville

SB 392: State Speed Zones

GENERAL BILL by Brandes ; Clemens
State Speed Zones; Raising the maximum allowable speed limit on certain highways; increasing the maximum allowable speed limit on roadways under the jurisdiction of the Department of Transportation, etc.
Effective Date: 7/1/2014
Last Action: 3/5/2014 Senate - Now in Appropriations
Location: In committee/council (AP)
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF

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