Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Fido just can't stay home - Rule Breakers Rule

Comment Up

You all have heard the old adage--"The good guys win."  They forgot a word in that phrase--"The good guys rarely win" because they refuse to cheat. At least that's how it seems around here. And don't ever bet your last dollar on the people who abide by the rules--they don 't have a prayer right now winning in Lake Worth. Snowbirds scream and complain about beach decals--voilĂ --"you got them baby." The rule breakers rule and on top of that, they have an entire commission and a city staff giving into their wants and desires. Those who ask questions about it all are ignored--and never ask a question on a Sunday. Leadership seems to be a fleeting memory. Complacency is alive and well.

As everyone knows, there is an ordinance AGAINST dogs on our beach park property.  The City, in spite of that Ordinance, installed doggy waste stations that only encourage dog owners.   How do other cities enforce its laws?  Why is it that Lake Worth ALWAYS caves in to insubordination and allows law breakers to get their way?  Why can't people just understand the word "no?" They have learned that they can get away with just about anything in this city.

Juan Ruiz [mailto:jruiz@LakeWorth.org]
Sent: Monday, March 24, 2014 3:11 PM
To: William Waters; 'lynn113@comcast.net'
Cc: Phillip Johnson; Michael Bornstein
Subject: RE: dogs at our beach park

Lynn, In response to your question regarding dogs at the beach complex, there is an amendment to the existing chapter 7 beach park regulations ordinance being prepared and will be coming forward next month.

The dog liter stations were installed to promote responsible dog ownership. Enforcement of dogs at the beach property has been extremely difficult and challenging along with other activities like skateboarding.  With that being said, staff will be recommending an amendment to allow dogs only west of the wooden rail along the sidewalk and east of A1A, on a leash with dog tags.  Obviously this item still has to be adopted and accepted by the Commission and if it is not then we will decide what to do with the liter stations at that point in time.

Fido's waste in front of our Casino


  1. We have a new $13,000,000 beach and now they are going to allow dogs when dogs were never allowed before. WTF??????????????????????????????????

  2. Can't wait till a Frenchie, already irate because they paid for a sticker and the resident lot was full, steps in a pile of doo! Watch out , Szerdi!

  3. the only time you see these guys at the beach is when it is a free lunch somewhere.

  4. I'm disgusted with the inconsiderate dog owners around here. Many of them don't pick up after their dogs if no one is looking. They walk them in our many alleys and don't pick up because "it's only an alley". I was bitten by a leashed dog a couple of years ago on the beach boardwalk. Dogs are unpredictable and don't belong in public even on a leash. Maybe things will change after someone is seriously injured by a dog an the city is sued.

  5. Lots of problems at the park too. Dog owners with very large breeds refusing to put leashes on dogs and parading them around the playground where very small children are playing. Not considerate and not safe. Don't allow dogs at the beach. It's not going to be good. Too many kids. Parents have their hands full of beach stuff. Dogs are unpredictable. Someone is going to get hurt.

  6. I object to dirty diapers thrown about. Also kids bite people too. How about lraving them home too? Dogs are also quieter and better behaved.

  7. I'm a dog owner, I do like to bring my dog with me in this wonderful walkable city. Lots of people have dogs these days and so perhaps the City should change the rules, but I agree that people should abide by the posted rules until then. I've not brought my dog to Mulligans although I often see dogs there and was told by their staff that I could bring my dog.

    I clean up after my dog and he is always on leash.

    It would be great if we could add a dog park somewhere in the City so that dogs could run off leash. I do see many dogs off leash at Bryant Park and that bothers me as well since 90% of the owners cannot control their dogs off leash.
