Friday, February 21, 2014

Welcome to the Street Painting Festival

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I guess this beats the illegal banner placed on the Gulfstream Hotel last year at Street Painting time--wouldn't bet on it though.
Conked out on Lake Avenue


  1. Wants wrong with a little power nap in the shade, in wonderful downtown Lake Worth.
    Like Don King says...."Only in America"

  2. Lynn, your blog has become consistently negative, petty, sour, and outrageous.

  3. Oh, a "positive" person who just can't handle the truth. Let's all do cheers and stick our heads in the sand. Will that make you a happy camper?

  4. Lynn, your blog is consistently pointing out the facts. The only thing outrageous are the leaders in this city. To anony at 10:48, go read Anna's blog. That will be uplifting for you and you will never have to even remotely think about all that is wrong with our little city by the sea and the few profiting from it and all those doing nothing to make it better.

  5. Two worlds in Lake Worth. It's a joke.

  6. A couple of questions for the blogger.
    Lake Worth definitely has it's problems, but reading this blog you make lake Worth sound like Syria. Why?
    Lake Worth definitely has more positive qualities than negative. Why don't you ever point out the good qualities?
    If Lake Worth is such a horrible place to live, why don't you just move?

  7. Well, here's a couple of answers for you--
    I want a nice city in which to live.
    I want people living within the laws and ordinances we have.
    I would wager to say that I have lived here longer than you.
    Why should I move when these problems can be eradicated?
    Why is your solution to a fact that is pointed out considered a negative by you? A fact is a fact. You deal with it. Tell your buds in power to clean up the damn dregs on our city streets and parks.
    Thank you very much.
    In fact, I would read this blog just a little more closely as I point out many great things in our city so stop being so negative.

  8. They should have moved the Street Painting Festival down the road on the other side of Dixie on Lake and Lucerne to showcase the new Artist Loft's and give them more space and room to walk and draw. If the city and CRA really want to eradicate blight and all, they need to do more to enhance and attract more west of city hall to improve those areas. The Festival has gotten so big, so just close all of Lake and Lucerne from A to Federal and let them paint them up. There are a lot of restaurants and stores west of Dixie that could use the business too, we need more thinking outside the box mentality here in this city.

  9. 11:03, specifically what are you doing to make it better.I see NA members not waiting for city leaders, who by the way have constantly let us down, to help. We will turn this city around. Negative posts and comments on your blog will not deter the hundreds of volunteers from giving their time to improve this city one block at a time.

  10. When you have a f(*&ing drunk laying on our city sidewalk,we all should be asking why.This points out a lack of leadership in our city.Code sucks.Crime is out of control,,,homeless and immigrants wandering around some with laundry on their damn heads,,,merchants having to watch their businesses because of petty thieves. Where is the sheriff?This needs to be pointed out and this commission needs to do something. We can't afford to wait for another 2 one-half years. If you don't bring awareness does it all go away? Does it get better? Freaking ^&*()%

  11. What's wrong with pointing out the failure by our city and PBSO to address the problems in our city. This am, Channel 5 had a report on a home on South L that has been turned into a dumping ground, tires, and such. Of course the neighbors have called and called and called and called code and the city and code and the city and they get no response whatsoever. Channel 5 called code as well and they got the answering machine. I laughed about that, since I too have tried multiple times to get a response from code on a problem property. But, code sure will show up every time I have a new tenant to collect $35 to inspect my rental unit when they inspected it three months ago (the ordinance provide for inspection ONCE a year).

  12. Anonymous at 2:09. Everyone appreciates what the neighborhood associations are doing to make this city better. My only argument is with the leadership here, not the NA's. Volunteers do a heck of a lot but it takes officials to make permanent change and staff to implement our ordinances.

  13. Has it been a year since the now forever remembered, informational sign appeared on the struggling to be sustainable, iconic and historic Gulfstream Hotel? Wow, how time flys. It's amazing what truly passionate people will do to protect the environment and our resources, for future generations to enjoy. Thanks for bring back that memory.

  14. And guess what? No one can build squat anywhere in our downtown other than 45 feet. It definitely was NOT an informational sign other than the subtle message of "I'm going to stick it in your face."

  15. Went on a visit to downtown Stuart today. Lovely little quaint town very much like our own. EXCEPT-NOT A DARN BUM IN SIGHT !!! Why do we except this as "normal" here in Lake Worth? Maybe we can paint the passed out drunks in vibrant colors and call them ART !
