Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Villages of Lake Worth

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Affordable/Workforce rentals on their way --
some with a lake view
Villages of Lake Worth
216, 3 story rental units on 7.65 acres
Lake Worth and Boutwell Roads

Anything for a taxbase. The former commissioners, Jo-Ann Golden and Suzanne Mulvehill, rejected residential housing in the Park of Commerce. The very nature of the name of the park indicates what should be built there--commercial and industrial.  This present commission, that was allowed to slide back into office, changed the Comprehensive Plan to allow residential housing.

It has been proposed to spend $11 million on infrastructure at the Park of Commerce in order to attract businesses.  How many years would it take, assuming the park was completely developed, to pay the city back for an $11 million investment through ad valorem taxes?  How long, commissioners?


  1. Golden rejected residential housing along with everything else in lake Worth. Except for taking part in costing the poor taxpayers $2.6 million. Why don't you call ch. 12 and have them report on that?

  2. First of all, you are taking some sort of paver lie and running with it. Greater Bay never should have had a contract with the city to begin with. And when they got one, not once did they perform. This commission never should have turned over all that money to settle with a scam artist. So, your point is erroneous. What was the "everything else" you failed to mention?

    This is about affordable residential rentals being built in the park of commerce because this commission changed the comp plan to allow it. Anything for the promise of a buck. We'll see how that goes down the road. This will end up being a BIG mistake/disaster. If we're lucky, it won't be Section 8 down the road.

  3. Is that what this is really about Lynn, you being afraid that the numerous friends that you have will have to drive by Section 8 housing to get to your LITTLE Abode.

  4. Sorry to burst your little bubble,anonymous...the king of snide remarks--
    This is NOT about me. Nothing I write is about me. This is about making Lake Worth the poorest city in Palm Beach County and a commission doing it willingly. This typo of housing will breed always does. Ask the PBSO about what they think about the development.

  5. What a dipshit. NO ONE WANTS SECTION 8 HOUSING ACROSS FROM LAKE OSBORNE AND JOHN PRINCE PARK. DO I HAVE TO KEEP WRITING IN CAPS TO GET YOU TO UNDERSTAND THAT?!!? Why doesn't this city ever think about how it might attract upper income people to our city?? Think, Wes, think. I know it's hard. But you have to try!!

  6. Our commissioners and Mayor originally all ran on "getting more home ownership and less rental stock" in Lake Worth. (Except for Szerti-what the heck did he even run on)? Reality vs. campaign promises -this commission has allowed more low-income rentals to be brought into Lake Worth than at any other time in our history. And don't be fooled if a commissioner cries "these rentals start at 900.00 a month. That's not low income housing"! What they don't tell you is that 700.00 of that 900.00 is paid for by the state(that means the poor ,stupid working fools out here).

  7. Business oriented or so they say. They are attracting more and more poor people to our city. Why do they want to do that? We can't enforce the codes on the books. How many will be living in a room in this new housing that looks dreadful right now. The commission says it is private property and they can't stop development of this type. They created the law to allow it. they believe their own lies and expect the rest of us to go along.

  8. I wants to shout out to da city peeps who don approved dees houses for us. My Ho's be xcited dat da gots a new crib to make me sum mor $$. I mites even gets me a couple of dem $200 Ho houses. We be loven it

  9. It was Commissioner Vespo and his commission that originally changed this part of the POC from Commercial to Residential, infuriating the County and making them completely withdraw from funding anything in the POC. When he ran against Suzanne and Rene to get re-elected (he didn't), he said it was his biggest mistake.
