Saturday, February 22, 2014

Trivia on Street Painting Festival

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Be a part of the best annual event in Lake Worth--
Be a part of the "happening"

  • 100,000 estimated to view street painting again this year
  • Open containers of alcohol allowed but must be sold by the Festival.
    Affidavit of applicant for special sales license:
I understand THIS LICENSE Does NOT PERMIT the Sale of Alcoholic Beverages FOR CONSUMPTION on PREMISES and ONLY ALLOWS Package Sales in SEALED CONTAINERS...Swear under Oath or Affirmation under penalty of PERJURY... Authorized agents or employees of the Division of Alcohol Beverages and Tobacco, the Sheriff, his deputies and police officers can search and inspect the location during the festival for the purpose of determining compliance with the alcoholic beverage laws and no search warrant is needed. ??
  • Sheriff services are authorized by the City of Lake Worth and the PBSO submits bills at the current extra-duty permit hourly rate and paid by the city.
  • The City of Lake Worth has insured the Street Painting Festival for liability up to $1 million and $3 million in the aggregate. Medical expenses are excluded (don't get this) so don't fall down drunk on our city street. You will have to sue the city personally. FDOT is the certificate holder.
  • The Street Painting Festival is the only entity that will receive profits from the sale of alcoholic beverages by their permit. In 2011, the Street Painting Festival made $234,868, not including expenses, which took up most of the profits. This is a huge endeavor to bring art awareness to Lake Worth and to make so little.
  • The Street Painting Festival is exempt from any taxes
  • The Festival did not have to pay an application fee nor did they have to pay for a permit.
  • The city is providing dumpster trash service and use of electricity.
  • There will be 15 carts and booths and all profits go to the Street Painting Festival, Inc.
  • Public benefit is promoting the arts.
  • Set-up for the event started at 6:30am yesterday and the break-down is 10pm Sunday.
  • This year's theme is Movies
  • Free trolley at the Tri-Rail station during the event
  • 10am to 6pm Saturday and Sunday in the heart of downtown Lake Worth


  1. Thanks, Lynn. That was all interesting. It sure beats Wes and all his ridiculous personal attacks and rehashing all old chit. He's obsessed with Golden and Mulvehill. He sure loves you.

  2. LOL-
    Meanness is usually a product of insecurity and low self-esteem. I would guess that Wes likes to capitalize on what I or commenters here have to say about subjects near and dear to him instead of writing his own opinion without getting into personal attacks. That takes time and thought. What say you, Mr. Blackman? Keep it clean now.

  3. Heading out now for Street painting. Great day for it so far.

  4. More SPF Permit Trivia:

    Minimum 1 Toilet
    per 200 persons

    Est. # of Participants

    Is that 50 or 500
    Minimum Toilets?

    Gloria Steinem says it best
    in the quote to the right,

    "The truth will set you free,
    but first it will piss you off."

  5. We went down yesterday aft and plan to again today. My husband and I each had two beers walking around over the course of about three hours of looking at art and listening to the music. I didn't see in beer drinking issues, people just like to be able to walk around with a beer.

    We stopped at the new Rum Shack for a spot to eat. Event was well attended and as we were leaving (around 6) people were still coming down even though many of the artists had covered their work.
