Thursday, February 20, 2014

The Debt Ceiling

The ONLY thing not shrinking is our national debt

On the Today Show, Natalie Morales said: "America is one step closer to being able to pay its bills next month."

The most important fact of the matter is that Congress voted to raise the debt ceiling because we need to borrow more money to keep going! $17 trillion in debt. The sworn duty of every elected official is to keep government functioning and pay bills already incurred. However, who says that they have the right to keep printing money and keep on borrowing and raiding the social security trust fund to pay for increased deficit spending? What is wrong with this picture?

Ted Cruz said, "Today's vote (February 12th)  is yet another example that establishment politicians from both parties are simply not listening to the American people. Outside the beltway, Americans of all political stripes understand that we cannot keep spending money we don't have."

Politicians continue to believe that it is fiscally healthy to keep on borrowing and ignore their sworn duty to the people they serve.

Some trivia from National priorities project: The debt ceiling evolved from restrictions that Congress placed on federal debt nearly from the founding of the country. Legislation that laid the groundwork for the current debt ceiling was passed in 1917, and the first overall debt ceiling was passed in 1939. Since then, the debt ceiling has been raised more than 100 times, including more than a dozen times since 2000.

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