Monday, February 24, 2014

The Aftermath - Cleaning up after the Festival

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When you have a huge event such as the 20th Annual Street Painting Festival, it brings a humongous effort to clean up all the trash. It is always helpful when establishments help the city's effort along. Most do. Some don't.

Aftermath of Street Painting Festival
One establishment said "not to worry, the city will pick it all up."

Again, the City opened the streets last night to traffic before the streets were swept.
Seven County jail trustees spotted this morning cleaning up the streets.
Roving photographer


  1. To the totally uninformed ostrich who just attempted to post here...actually this blog depicts the truth. Great event but with a cost. Can't handle that? The city now looks neat and clean thanks to a big effort and much cost and effort for LWorth. Everything isn't a bed of roses here. We are a desperate city in desperate times and everyone should be helping and doing their share of keeping the city free of garbage. You can start by staying off this blog.

  2. i have to say that the city makes a great effort cleaning up the garbage left on lake and lucerne. i wish they could give that sort of attention to the neighborhoods.

  3. Thanks for seeing things that others want to hide. As you said, great event but it comes with a price.

  4. Looks like merchants made a killing but the city went deeper in debt? What does this event cost the city, Lynn? As we are continuing to attract artists from all over the world, we must have a big budget for this.

  5. I'm sure it will take some effort to get everything back in order. I would assume that event picks up these costs and not the City, am I wrong? Great event!

    I even overheard someone (I assume not a resident or regular visitor) how nice the City is and how much its improved in the last 10 years. They mentioned the Casino as well. Made me proud.

  6. When a place is neat, clean, free of slum and blight, we all feel pride. That is our goal within the 6 square city miles--at least that's what some of the commission ran on. Let's hold their feet to the fire. No more excuses. The city does a great job at the beach and the place is absolutely beautiful.
