Wednesday, February 26, 2014

State of the City - Lake Worth

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The end of the speech that took about 40 minutes
 with around 60 in attendance.

I have heard variations of last night's speech so many times. You get to hear all of it if you attend city commission meetings with regularity.  I have written about them. There is nothing more I want nor need to say. The mayor did her job by giving a speech that was to uplift all of us well into the "22nd Century," focusing on things that "could be" rather than the things "that are."

Focusing on the positive is a good plan and it is something politicians do; there are surprising benefits to that. There is never a good reason to focus on the negatives if those negatives can't be changed.

In the case of our city, we have enacted 44 ordinances over the last four years to help rid the city of slum and blight and to give teeth to our code enforcement department.  A large part of the slum and blight comes from the 1,500 homes in foreclosure and the 2,000 abandoned houses in Lake Worth. Graffiti still is ignored even though we have an ordinance that says it must be painted over within 24 hours. Hired by Susan Stanton, William Waters has been a great asset to Lake Worth especially in getting these ordinances written and on the books. Ordinances, however, are as good as their enforcement.

What came across last night, of which there is no doubt, the mayor loves our city and wants to see it prosper. I appreciate that she did not play the blame game that has been ongoing for the past several years and stuck to facts, something that most politicians find difficult or twist to suit their agenda.


  1. I appreciate the fact the mayor singled out a negative blogger and pointed out they should be ignored.
    I'm sure you're aware that William Waters was going to quit if Stanton wasn't fired.

  2. I think that Mr. Waters should be able to speak for himself, anonymous, oh cowardly one. Much to your surprise, there were many people who liked Stanton and to this day said that she was doing her damndest to turn the city around to a positive direction...securing reserves and making cuts where necessary. She did micro-manage and I think that was a good thing under the circumstances. We were in full death throttle.

    The mayor was up there last night to give one big cheer for the city...that was her mission...a 40 minute pep talk. If she had singled me out, anonymous, my blog would have been written differently. I gave her a fair shot as I happen to like her for the most part--NOT what she did on the people's vote, however. That is an egregious action that is unforgivable.

  3. Wow. You didn't take the Mayor's advice to ignore Lynn's blog ,did you ? You can't get thru the day without reading Lynn's great blog, can you ?
    I doubt very much that Mayor Triolo would single a citizen out. I missed the speech, but I thought that Lynn was very complementary to the Mayor in this post .

  4. How about Stanton being fired from her new job

  5. How about you, anonymous at 2:55, checking into 45th street. You obviously have big problems or you're still repeating 2nd grade..

  6. So the City has passed 44 ordinances, but does nothing to enforce them. What is the point of that?

    Two years, a complaint in person once a month to code regarding a problem property near our rental where a MURDER took place and still no code case opened. What is the point of these ordinances, I guess the commissioners and the Mayor thinks people will think they are doing something by passing ordinances that no one enforces. PBSO won't enforce any ordinances either, not that I expect them to do code compliance, but have you ever called PBSO and said a car is blocking the alley or a boat or commercial vehicle is parked on a residential street? They won't come out and ticket and they have said that they won't enforce local ordinances. So what do you do? There was a crashed and abandoned car just off of Lucerne on North O that Sat for 2 months, I called PBSO and the City once 2 or 3 times a week, PBSO said not my job, the City said not my job, etc.

  7. Christopher McVoy is the only one on the dais who was elected in the last two election years.

  8. Interesting observation and won with 57% of the vote..

  9. Well Comm. Mcvoy hardly ever shows up at any city events. But he sure made a point to show at the Mayan center on Monday night for a joint gathering of Tropical Ridge and Royal Poincianna neighborhood leaders with leaders of the Mayan community. He knows where his votes come from or maybe he just does not trust the neighborhoods that want to help the mayan community to understand what N.A. do and how they can help with issues they face.

  10. Happy to know that he showed up for that, anonymous as he knows that the NA's do good work. Also, he speaks fluent Spanish which is a big help in reaching out to the Hispanic population. He is one commissioner whose work with the Everglades takes him out of the area most of the time but he attends what he can.

  11. To 11:45 a.m.I was there and the mayor DID NOT single anyone out; she has manners.

  12. It's time for Cmr. Amoroso to ditch the cap when he sits at a public meeting as our representative.
    It's hard to respect him when he continues to indulge in this habit.

  13. LOL. He's not representing you! He's representing his own interests. He doesn't care what you think.
