Friday, February 28, 2014

South L Street Clean-Up this Saturday morning

Comment Up

Sent out by Bryant Park Neighborhood Association:
  • What: Clean-Up a neglected and abused property that reflects poorly on our Great City!
  • When: This Saturday Morning from 7 AM til 11 AM
  • Where:  1231 S. L Street
  • Why: Because it's bad enough that so many properties are abandoned and neglected in our neighborhoods! It's UNTHINKABLE that one of these has become a dumping ground for inconsiderate slobs to leave all kinds of trash, piles of old tires and garbage on this sad little neglected property. Neighbors have had it with sensational news stories that go out of their way to focus on the negative. (I say, thank God for the News Media!) - Join with Neighbors who are willing to turn this mess around with Positive Action!
Thanks to Nadine Burns for organizing this opportunity and to all the Neighbors from all the Neighborhoods who have signed up to help! A very special Thank You to our local merchant, Caroline Tires, who has graciously and very generously offered to cart away all the tires!

Thanks also to City of Lake Worth Public Services Department that will be collecting all the trash after it's been neatly deposited at the curb.

For more information, visit the Facebook Event Page for this clean-up:


  1. Mary Lindsey sent that out to NA presidents. That is her comment on the media, not Bryant Park's.

  2. Why can't the city clean it up? Why do residents have to do what the city should be doing?

  3. Great to see so many who CARE, that is what it will take to clean it up. Great clean this up this Sat. next Sat. let's tackle all of The Royal Poinciana NA, it is really the worst area of our city. The people need to show city leaders we care, we want it clean, and we will not tolerate anymore of this blight and dumping.

  4. At least Mary cares and takes action, she does so much more than all our elected officials put together for this city, she is like the unofficial mayor without the title but with the glory of knowing she is getting things done. God bless Mary Lindsey, the savior of Lack Worth. Mary cares, we need more people like her here.

  5. 10:14 portrays the sentiment of this blog. Rather than step up and do something they'd rather complain.

  6. You can read what you want into what I write. But it does not negate the problem that we have residents who clean-up other peoples messes when in fact it should be the city going after these losers. Also, thanks for doing all the dirty work that owners won't do. I'm sure that you'll be there tomorrow, right?

  7. It is great that residents are banding together to help clean up this property. That is good. My husband has boarded up an abandoned home near our home multiple times as well as boarded up an abandoned property near our rental multiple times at our expense. He also regularly picks up trash on the street where our rental is. Sometimes he is picking up trash while people are walking down the street throwing it on the ground. Ugh! Its so frustrating.

    And, while its great to pull together to make this city a better place it should not be the responsibility of neighbors like my husband and like this group. Rather it ought to be the property owners responsibility, the property near our rental that my husband keeps boarding up is owned by an investment company located right in WPB, not bank owned. The city could easily open a code case as we have repeatedly asked them to do, and fine the heck out of them and collect money, make money for the city. They could have it declared a nuisance, there have been repeated crimes including a murder and then have the property demolished which would be an improvement. But code does nothing and the commission does nothing except pass more ordinances which no one enforces.

    And frankly when the city does nothing for weeks and months and weeks and months, why shouldn't people call the local news. I hate the bad press too, but the City does nothing so what other choice do folks have?

  8. We need a new city manager, one who will set a different tone for all employees and high expectations for all departments (customer service and overall results). I don't know what Mr. Bornstein is doing all day, but it's clear he isn't doing this.
