Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Red-Light Cameras Palm Beach County

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Back in the News--Red Light Cameras

One thing about it, when I know a corner has red-light cameras, I am especially careful of being caught in the middle of the intersection in a yellow light that quickly turns red.  Some corners are very wide and impossible to get through in seconds. When I was 21, I got a ten dollar ticket for going through a yellow light and I have never forgotten that. It has been a big deterrent for me in trying to get through a light before it turns red. No one needs a $158 ticket, the cost today.

The Palm Beach County Commission once again approved of keeping its red-light cameras installed at 17 intersections in the county's unincorporated areas. We already have to deal with various cities using them for "safety" and income. According to a study, rear-end crashes are up and and left-turn and angle crashes were down. It was also stated during the PB County Commission meeting that the County has made no money from American Traffic Solutions but they all voted to keep the cameras because of perceived safety reasons.

Jeff Clemens who is for red-light cameras has received a campaign contribution from American Traffic Solutions. I would say, follow the money especially when the county traffic engineers said there has been no significant safety benefits. The County pays the company to use the cameras and it has made no money off of them since 2009. The only entity with the pay-off is the red-light camera company. Palm Beach County may rebid the contract or stay with the present company.


  1. No benefit either monetarily or safety wise? Good decision PB County. Another waste of taxpayer dollars.

  2. clemens and any county commissioner or politician receiving campaign money from these red light camera companies or their affiliates/workers/owners/employees should be put in jail, how unethical. Where are our courts and judges? Why do they allow this. These lame politicians instead should be making laws not to allow any company profiting from the county or government to making on contributions as it is a wrong, using such influence to keep them making money. This is the problem with our government. Government giving into big business over the people they represent. Big business rules here and around the world, all very sad. What a sin. Does this mean clemens is going to hell?

  3. I'm not a fan of them, they do not improve safety and they send wrong message in a tourist area. And the city/county doesn't make that much money, rather the private contractor cleans up. Add in all the tickets issued for turning right on read and you find me stopped over in Boynton Beach afraid to turn right on read for fear of a ticket at one of these intersections. People were honking at me, but I sat tight until it was green.

  4. Try crossing 6th Avenue and Dixie people do not honor the red lights I've been hit by a car thank God it wasn't bad no one stopped. talk to other people and this would be a great solution
