Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Quote of the Day - Sean Hannity

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“The American people have to decide this: are they willing to accept an America where 50 million Americans are on food stamps? The labor participation rate is the lowest since 1978. One in five American children are in poverty … Are they willing to accept more of that? Or are they now open to the idea that we’ve gone in the wrong direction, and America needs conservative solutions to change?”

 ~ Sean Hannity


  1. We had 8 years of conservative solutions. Where was Hannity when the economy was crashing and Bush was bailing out wall st.? Where was Hannity's outrage then?
    This situation reminds me of you. You don't say a peep about slum and blight when Stanton and the best commission ever ignored the problem, even gutting the code department and now you're concerned.

  2. Hannity did talk against Bush. Where were you?
    Obviously, you are clueless as the BCE did not ignore the slum and blight. I have noticed, however, that nothing has improved under this commission and it just gets worse. Why is that?
    Oh, forgot, you just like to take personal shots at me. Whatever is your problem? Did you not get breast fed when you were a baby? Did your Daddy leave home when you were two?

  3. Poster at 11:52 has obviously never listed to or watched Mr. Hannity's shows. Otherwise they would never have made such false comments about him.

  4. the code dept was not gutted. You keep perpetuating that myth.

  5. anonymous at 11:52--if you are going to have false charges, why not read under labels, all the blogs I have written about slum and blight over the past 5 years. You will then find out that you are WRONG, once again. Perhaps the better adjective to use here is LIAR, once again. You sure do end up sounding stupid, anonymous.
