Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Quote of the Day - Michael Bornstein

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"Its been a lot of fun. We've been running around singing, 'Take Me Out to the Ballgame'! The potential spot is the perfect centralized location. The area offers a Tri-Rail stop, easy highway access and plenty of roads. (It's good) not just for bringing people into the city that may participate and spend some money in our economics. But also to boost our ego. You know this is a city that has had some hard knocks in the past. The attitude around Lake Worth is changing. Landing the Nationals and Astros would knock them out of the park."


  1. How long before you start complaining about the traffic, noise, trash and god forbid! minorities in your neighborhood?

  2. It all depends, Sweetness--if any of what you have mentioned becomes a problem, I will write about it. Right now, and for the past 50 years, we have had no trash, no noise and little traffic. Be assured that if YOU move into my neighborhood, I will definitely complain about it.

  3. This is never going to happen at John Price Park. Did you see maxwell standing there with a baseball bat? What a total bunch of nonsense we get from our city officials.

  4. But just think Lynn, if they do build it, and you can do it your way, you will not even to leave home to watch a game, you will just need a telescope, or a good pair of binoculors.....

  5. Does Bornstein ever say anything that isn't total hooey??? What a wanker.

  6. It would be nice to have a spring training facility centrally located. I'm all for it, but don't want to pay for it and we really can't pay for it as we are broke.

  7. Traffic, noise and trash are legitimate concerns for any neighborhood. As for minorities, REALLY? You had to throw that in there ? This area has great neighbors of ALL colors. No one has to wear your racist "minority " name tag over here west of I-95. Katie Mcgiveron
