Saturday, February 22, 2014

Lake Worth's barricades now in the 21st Century

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Perhaps some of you have witnessed city staff digging holes around some of the streets and alleyways lately.  They installed bollards (pop-up barricades) made by Reliance Foundry to make it easy going forward when streets are closed to traffic.  No more renting ugly barricades.


  1. What's the cost/ must be expensive.

  2. LOL--again.
    Don't know. These came as a complete surprise and I don't remember them ever being discussed. Meetings are short and information is kept close to the breast. We literally have to fall upon news and happenings in our city. If you go to the link provided, they are extremely costly.

  3. Seems like a good idea and an improvement for traffic control. But agree the City doesn't share any news or business anymore.
