Monday, February 17, 2014

It's Street Painting Festival Time in Lake Worth

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This weekend--don't miss it--February 22 & 23


  1. we'll get to see the city competing with the merchants by selling beer in open containers. Great going.

  2. It's such a zoo down there. I'm debating whether to attend or not.

  3. It's actually the neighborhood associations that will be selling beer at the Street Festival to raise a few bucks to put on great events like the Fourth of July celebration in Bryant Park.

  4. There is plenty of beer, food and other money to go around. I don't see any problem with the City selling beer with tips to the neighborhood associations. The restaurants are so packed and busy that you can't get into them to even get a beer .

  5. did anyone ask the bars and restaurant owners what they thought?

  6. Of course the biz owners are going to say we should have exclusive right to sell, great way to jack up their prices and make a ton of money. What the city should be worried about is providing a fun, enjoyable, safe experience for residents and visitors. And as a resident I prefer not to pay double for a beer or stand in a long line so I say hear hear to the City selling beer.
