Wednesday, February 19, 2014

IRS has gone too far

Recently, Obama told Bill O'Reilly that there was "not a smidgen of corruption" in the IRS. Well, we know he is the world's biggest liar. Politifact, asked readers to rank the top lies from politicians in 2013 and Obama won.

The IRS is suggesting sweeping changes and if these aren't the least bit corrupt, then we need a new definition of the word:

Here are four of the rules from the Washington Times:

• Criticism of incumbents 30 days before primary elections and 60 days before general elections. In other words, you can’t speak poorly about those in power.

• Any references to politicians (candidates, appointees, etc.)

• Hosting candidate debates.

• Posting voting records of incumbents on websites before elections.

All of the above would have to be submitted to the IRS. They're not just targeting the Tea Party now. That requirement includes newspapers, television and speeches that reach more than 500 people. Does this sound like a dictatorship to you? Even you liberal Obama supporters would have to agree that this is against our Constitution.

Read the remaining attacks on free speech... by the IRS. Obama says he was a Constitutional lawyer but look what he's doing.

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