Sunday, February 16, 2014

Hat's On Luncheon

The Lake Worth High School Alumni Foundation and Dollars for Scholars Foundation had its 7th Annual Hat's On luncheon and hat show yesterday at Atlantis Country Club. Besides fun, the purpose of the event is to raise funds for student aid and to give awards fairly to deserving students. Last year the Association gave $75,000 to 69 worthy and needy students.

The theme this year was Mardi Gras with judges Mark Easton, class of '72, Tom Peeling editor at the PB Post, class of '75 and Gerri McFadden Adams, class of '66 winner of the 2013 Kentucky Derby hat contest on the Hoda and Cathie Lee Show.

Many thanks to the Board and to the luncheon committee that, once again, put on a superb and successful event.

Winning Ladies hat

Winning Men's Hat

Dee, Laurence and Helen
My hat

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