Friday, February 14, 2014

Florida for Sale

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This is what's happened to Florida and it's starting all over again now that the economy is moving. Developers hold on to land and projects to make their move, a move that you can be certain will be made.  Hell, even the sugar barons, the Fanjuls, are buying up land in Florida to develop.  Cities are hurting for tax base and the politicians are vulnerable.

Click here to read about the latest in Seminole County where developers want to build 5,000 homes in an area that is protected.  "Protection" is as guaranteed as the politicians you elect, people who constantly compromise principles and change zoning by a 3 to 2 vote. We have witnessed the whoring for development first-hand in Lake Worth and West Palm Beach. Hell, the people even win an election in Lake Worth and the politicians say, "Oh no, sorry bud."

Seminole County Commissioner Lee Constantine said, "When the project is built out, it will affect the roads, the waterways and infrastructure."  He forgot to mention the negative impact on the quality of life, the environment  and the selling off of Florida in order for developers to line their pockets.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Lynn for bringing all these important issues to the table. I agree with your quote, "Developers hold on to land and projects to make their move, a move that you can be certain will be made. " We have an owner of the 1306 and 1320 Lucerne that has held on to it for years, but allowed it to be all boarded up and often blighted for going on 15 or 20 years now. From what the CRA says now, properties are now only allowed to be boarded up for one year only and then need to be either demolished or fixed up to code. It is unfair that people have to live by these indefinitely boarded up building for years bringing down the city and attracting vagrants, drug dealers, and prostitutes, someone was even once raped in the past few years behind 1320 Lucerne when it was all boarded up and inclosed fences that people went through to commit crimes. We need buildings that are occupied, alive, taken care of. No more boarded up buildings, not more sitting on properties forever until the market is up and you can sell it for millions to try to develop it into a high skyscraper, people in this are do not want tall buildings and over development, we want it clean, unboarded, and alive, with someone taking care of and looking after the property living there and watch and seeing what is happening, not rapes, drugs, vagrants, like what 1306 and 1320 Lucerne now attract. It is sad that a rich and famous person who owns these boarded up and blighted properties is allowed to keep them this way forever, just a sin. Take the boards off, fix it up, make the properties alive. Like Lynn says they "hold" on to property until they can make their move, while we all have to just live by blight, crime, and boarded up dumps like at the 1300 block of Lucerne. Very sad that a rich person does this to his neighbors.
