Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Enjoying the Lake Worth beach

Another comment from the AZZ KICKER
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 Your boss won't ever know


  1. What boss? According to Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats, this guy has escaped "job-lock". This guy is the new American Patriot. In the space of fifty years, we have gone from the Greatest generation to the Pajama Generation.
    In order for a country to be ripe for an invasion, you need a population that is dumbed down, drugged up and dependant on the Govt for their existence.
    God help America. Katie Mcgiveron

  2. Just found out no one is running against the incumbents in Lake Worth, must mean MOST of the residences approve of this Commission.

  3. 12:16 hahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  4. Loved this photo taken yesterday at the beach. We all get a little obsessed with our computers, tablets, and cell phones. This brings it to a whole new extreme!

  5. Good people are hard to find. I should have said, good people are IMPOSSIBLE to find.

  6. This developer crew has stomped on the people way too long and way too hard. No one wants to run when you see this city decaying rapidly and the rights of its citizens discarded. You will only have corrupt people in for several more terms until the people finally do something.

  7. Who has thousands of dollars to run? Not most normal people in this city. Why don't we put a spending cap on campaigns? Allow everybody to have a couple hundred bucks. Period.Most people are just disgusted with this city. Why in the hell even bother? You can only beat your head against a wall for so long.On the Sunset issue, over one-hundred people from around the city showed up to talk against rezoning the property. The Commissioners didn't care. We had over three thousand people sign a petition in support of us. Pam Lopez was told to steal our petitions. Pam Lopez followed orders. Pam Lopez STILL HAS A JOB in this city !!! She gets paid by the same citizens she screwed over. We've been dicked around by a make -believe "mediation" for almost FIVE years now. Commissioners and city staff don't give a rat's behind what the people want. Ever go to a city Commission meeting? You better not rock the boat or Commissioner's will call you out in public. Dare to demand customer service? Oh,hell,don't even go there! You'll be accused of staff abuse!!! Look at what happened to the previous planning and zoning board. Good citizens, kicked in the ass. Then Commissioners complain that they can't get anybody to sign up for the boards! HELLO!!!
    Government sucks, from the top down.
    Katie Mcgiveron

  8. No one in this city has thousands of dollars to spend on a campaign, that is why the have Ideas that the involve their constituents with and raise money to run for the desired office.
    If someone has No ideas, or wants No progress they will not be able to raise said money or run for office. Stop everything is not a Positive Campaign Chant.

  9. Katie, you got 100 people at city hall , you had 3000 people sign a petition. Through Lies, and the commission wanted to give the developer 4 more units than what was allowed by the County. And you have been in arbitration for over 5 years, and that your fault. And I hope the Legal Fee's Choke You.

  10. What are the lies, anonymous?
    The outside investors wanted 20 units to an acre, not 7, the present Single family zoning. There are NO legal fees on a mediation for the PAC...only what the city has agreed to pay by "dicking" around as Katie would say.

    STOP posting lies and know what you're talking about.


  12. Poster at 4:03 -take your head out of your azz and take a breath. Your brain is obviously suffering from a lack of oxygen.
    The failed land speculators masquerading as "developers" wanted 20 units per acre. The "fairy tale 40" was thought up by Nadine Burns to confuse Retha Lowe into thinking she was voting the right way.
    The city was pulled into this "mediation " by ex city staff and the two failed land speculators. We in the neighborhood, the potential victims of the growth whores like Nadine and Retha,had no say in this. You are the one paying for this "mediation" ,poster at 4:03.You and everyone else in the city.
    We in the PAC have no legal fees. And how come every time a vote doesn't go your way are people using "lies"? Think about something, poster at 4:03. Everyone who opposed my PAC is now gone. All Commissioners, city staff, etc. Anyone who helped us has ,well, lets just call it PROSPERED.
    You frequently call me a "bitch". Maybe you are calling me the wrong thing. Maybe I've just tapped into the universal power of the truth.
    Katie Mcgiveron

  13. Katie,I will take my head out my zzz if just once you would print the truth.
    The City had a zoning catory of 20 units per acre , the develiors asked for 44units which is four less than if they had stayed with the county. I hope
    You don't think Lake Worth will ever buy that property,if you do ,you Can count on more than 100 people filling up City Hall. Why don't you share you group wants and maybe some develiors will come along to make your dreams come true.

  14. Please, anonymous, don't post this sort of stuff here. If you're going to rant and accuse people of lies, get the facts.
    The county had a zoning of five (5) units an acre on that property. The neighborhood is seven (7) units an acre.

  15. I really can't say too much, but word on the street is that Jeff C. has been talking to the owners and we could be looking at a combo pot farm/blues club up at the Sunset property. And the cheap old bas-retards at Murray Hills are all excited because they won't even have to buy any pot. They'll just get a contact high from the fields. City staff is super excited at the Arts aspect of this "maybe" deal. They are planning a contest for all the local artists to design the labels for our own LAKE WORTH ORGANICALLY GROWN MARIJUANA. It could be a win-win for all involved! Katie Mcgiveron
