Monday, February 3, 2014

Commission Meetings

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Our Commissioners work too hard.

February 4th meeting has been moved to February 11.

February 18th meeting is canceled.

December 17th meeting was canceled.

This again is one monthly meeting with probably NOTHING to little on the Agenda.  When they do have a meeting, the last one was all of 1-1/4 hours. Why not just shut down the entire chamber?  Save money. You don't want the public "in the know" anyway.

Why all the juggling? Is there absolutely NOTHING to report on in this city?   How are we doing with the slum and blight? What about the crime stats?  Are you going to introduce the new Finance Director?  What is the Internal Auditor doing these days...don't hear about anything.  How is our electric savings now that we are with Orlando Utility?   You guys keep taking trips...what about a Power Point presentation on what the benefit was? 


  1. I was studying the electric and the move to O.U. but gave up when I could not get info. But I challenge anyone to show me the savings.

  2. Maybe we need to raise their pay. You get what you pay for you know, so maybe if we paid our officials better, they would be able to dedicate more time to the job. At a few thousand per year, obviously anyone on the Commission has to work outside to survive.

  3. Funny, we were just talking about that today at lunch. The conclusion was, nothing would change even if the salary was doubled or tripled.

    The city commission really does not run this city; the city manager and his staff do. The city manager bounces an idea off of one commissioner, then the next commissioner, and the next until he knows he has a consensus to what he wants to do. That's my guess. Tell me CM that I am wrong.

  4. You are right, Mr. B is definitely captain of this pirate ship. But that is because it's a well paying job and it attracted applicants with knowledge, skill and experience. Even if you might disagree with El Capitan, you have to admit he knows how to get things done his way. Have to admire that at least, but the point is I believe better pay attracts better people.

  5. Better- Greater than half. Improved in health. More attractive, favorable ,or commendable. Improved in accuracy or performance.
    Bornstein? No. Bornstein is not "better".

  6. Mr. Bornstein, is the best c.m. we have Had in the 15 years I have lived in L.W. he is chipping away one problem at a time. Getting needed studies done, hiring an internal auditor, settling of law suits,on and on.

  7. Who knows if the CM is doing a good job or not, he doesn't report to the residents, he won't talk to the residents and his evaluation is not public. In my mind he is doing a poor job b/c code continues to be one big mess and despite repeated requests for a case to be open on a problem property, over years now, there still is no case open.

  8. This commission was always AGAINST studies when it was the former commission getting them. Next, the commission hires the Internal Auditor, not the CM. When Stanton did not fund that position it was because of huge cost cuttings taking place...we were nearly bankrupt and millions were missing. We relied on the external auditor to do his job. Now this city is grabbing the cash and raiding $12.5 million from reserves. Great stuff. We will be right back where we started in 2009. The Greater Bay settlement was disgusting. the city did come out smelling like a rose on the Reyes/Drenski whistleblower settlement. When cases drag out like that one did, private citizens can go broke. Great strategy. Screw the people.

    So tell us, what problems are being "chipped AWAY" one at a time. It seems apparent the slum, blight and crime are up. The Homeless have invaded our city and now committing felonies, etc...and the list goes on.

  9. Settling lawsuits? Bull. In Chicago terms- we paid out some protection money to Thugs. Real pussy of Bornstein, city Commission and City attorney. Disgusting. Saying "go suck it" to the results of an election? Can we please just give south Florida to Castro ? It's already there, as witnessed by the actions of Lake Worth city staff and Commissioners.

  10. Lynn have you ever heard of Federal Law, it suppersedes Municipal Law, the Homeless, Drug Addicts, drunks all have Rights. What is your solution to a crime, Blight, slums you never answer your own Question.
    And Ms. Stanton took the reserves, to pay for the Overpriced R. O. Plant. Over Budgeted Casino Building, and anything those Do Nothing Commissioners wanted. Stop rewriting Lake Worths History.

  11. History is NOT re-written on this blog. You have it confused with that other one.

    Stanton did not use unspecified money on the RO plant. She did not take unrestricted reserves for the RO or anything else.

    My solution is to enforce the laws on our books...stop using federal law as some excuse for sticking your head in the sand for inaction. And be specific on any federal laws that drunks, criminals etc. have rights other than justice under our legal system in a court of laws. Let's hear about why we are not doing the job here.

  12. Drunks,homeless,and drug addicts are classified as and illness and are covered by American's with Disability Act.
    We all ready know what you think about that Act you have
    Covered it enough.
    When we drilled a hole for 15 million, that had no permit, where do you think the 15 million came from.
    When we cancel a contract with the County for water purchases, and we negotiate 1.2 million with the county, plus paying three times what the water would have cost us under the original contract for 3 years, where do you thing the money came from?
    And I could go on, and on. But lets have you answer a question for once.
    What would you do about the drugs, drug addicts, drunks and homeless??

  13. {57} The ADA specifically excludes an individual who is currently engaging in the illegal use of drugs as being a qualified individual with a disability. 42 U.S.C.A. § 12114(a)

    {61} The ADA does not require the employer to accommodate illegal drug use. Employers are allowed to prohibit the use of drugs and alcohol in the workplace and require employees not to be under the influence, permit adverse treatment of unsatisfactory performance related to drug and alcohol abuse, and require compliance with the Drug Free Workplace Act and governmental testing requirements. 42 U.S.C.A. § 12114(c)

    All your information on the water contract and our RO is WRONG too. A little research would go a long way.

    As far as doing something about the Homeless here in our city that seem to be taking over, that is why we elect people to office--to come up with solutions.

  14. Anonymous at 11:34 would have preferred we had given control of our most precious resource, water, to the County Commission- you know those illustrious figures 3 of whom were recently jailed for felonies and a 4th who had to resign for abuse of power.

    Their actions brought PBC the name "Corruption County". Does Anonymous think that the corrupting influences have left the County?

    The end cost of going with the County would have been $3 million more than was achieved by keeping local ownership and control.

    Our water by far exceeds the quality of the County's product, some of which is treated sewage.

    When we get a truly visionary Commission we can make a considerable profit by bottling and selling water.

  15. Do you really think if we had a real water shortest the county, state, and would allow us to just sit here using all the water we wanted. And how about those rust filled pipes that our most precious resource is flowing Through
    To your mansion on the golf course.

  16. If we went through another drought, there would be restrictions on usage by the South Florida Water Management District, just like we had day a week for irrigation.
