Sunday, February 23, 2014

Before Street Festival opens

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Before the Festival opens, the city has to ensure that the sidewalks are clean and the garbage containers are emptied and new liners inserted. City garbage workers were down at the Street Painting Festival early this morning and caught dragging leaking garbage bags across street paintings. Channels 5 and 12 were on the scene.


  1. do you have nothing better to do and then take pictures of trash volunteer for a good cause

  2. LOL--Not volunteers, anonymous...well paid city workers. On top of that, no respect for the paintings.

  3. Tell it to the artists, anony 10:24 whose paintings they trashed with trash. This is news worthy whether you like it or not.

  4. 10:24, I take it that you're not an artist,,,go pound sand. That's the trouble in this town,,,no one has respect for anything or anyone.

  5. Who is surprised here? It's the way of the world and the waY of LW.

  6. They made $13.50 an hour for picking up garbage plus their benefits. What should they be making? $100,000 a year?

    So, who's stupid?
