Thursday, February 27, 2014

Abandoned Vehicles in Lake Worth - on WPEC channel 12 tonight

UPDATE: link to channel 12 video
Comment Up
Katie McGiveron, VP of ROLOH and
 Chair of Save Our Neighborhood, Inc.

Lauren Hills, reporter with WPEC Channel 12 News, is doing a segment tonight on abandoned vehicles in Lake Worth.

Tune in at 5pm.


  1. you must have ch. 12 on speed dial. At least you have a reason to live now. call call call. It makes you feel important instead of impotent.

  2. Sorry...I don't have a reason to call any news channel. I do my own thing here. Hope you enjoy the segment.

  3. Thanks to you and Katie for getting the word out. 12 did a wonderful job telling the story in less than a minute. Hopefully all of this exposure will cure the problems we have and get city staff off their azz..

  4. As someone faced with this problem, a crashed and abandoned car with no tag on my street, I called the city and PBSO repeatedly for weeks. The city would tell me PBSO needs to deal with it, its a traffic/parking ordinance, PBSO would tell me they don't enforce ordinances even parking ones. I went around and around for almost 8 weeks.

    It is sad that Channel 12, who I didn't think to call, has to help citizens of the City to get the City and PBSO to do their job. I hate to see the city put in a bad light on the local news every other day, Channel 5 just had a segment on lack of code enforcement, but what else can we do if City won't respond?

  5. The city has done this to themselves. It is a problem that has worsened over the past few years. Maxwell who said he was going to clear it all up over 2 years ago doesn't see it. None of the commissiners ever talk about it. They are all the problem.

  6. How many times have Lake Worth employees and P.B.S.O. driven by these problems? I reported the graffiti on the 12th ave. south underpass week's ago. It's not exactly subtle. Neither is the slum and blight that was shown on this report. Lynn and I both praised Lake Worth(It's a great place to live,etc. ) and William Waters for the ordinances that we now have on the books! That was left out! (Of course )!. Anyway, why do we all have to put up with the crappy way parts of our city look? There are so many of us that love Lake Worth. We volunteer our time to do whatever we can to help Lake worth. There is no excuse for this.
    Katie Mcgiveron

  7. Where in the hell is St. Joan of the C.R.A.? This is in the C.R.A.district. What happened to their mission statement to eradicate slum and blight? They just spent 23 million. For WHAT??? Does anybody think that we look 23 MILLION dollars worth better???? What a scam on the United States taxpayers!!!

  8. What would happen if Commissioners and city management had to live in this blight until it was cleaned up ? Lake Worth could have bought a heck of a lot of trash bags and people to clean up the blight for 23 million.

  9. Missed this last night so thanks for the link. Slum and blight is a growing problem and for some reason this commission never talks about it and never does a damn thing about it. No more excuses. I have a house next door to me and you wouldn't believe it. You would think you lived in another world.

  10. Thank you Lynn and Katie for staying on this and caring, it takes caring people to enact change, we all need to bring this to the city leaders so they know we will not tolerate anymore blight in our city. If Delray beach and other places can clean it up, we can too, the city and CRA need to do more. No more excuses from the city, CRA, or PBSO, they need to stay on this until it is cleaned up. We all deserve better.

  11. Get off your high horse with these comments and attacks. If we didn't care we would not bring these issues to the city, the city and people should be grateful there is still a handful of people who care and want to eliminate blight and want a clean, safe, and orderly city. At least we care, you just want to attack Lynn and her website, caring people win always over mean spirited people, stop edging out God and try to understand where we are coming from, we want a nice city to live in, period.

    "Anonymous said...

    you must have ch. 12 on speed dial. At least you have a reason to live now. call call call. It makes you feel important instead of impotent.
    February 27, 2014 at 4:23 PM "

  12. To the person who just attempted a personal attack here, get lost!

    Yes, we have had blight for years but the slum, blight and crime has tripled over the past few. This is not a political issue with one side against another--this is a city-wide issue to solve. Keep your personal attacks in check. Thanks.

    As Katie said, blight breeds blight. Let's solve the problem.

  13. Thank goodness the media is getting this info out so just MAYBE the city might do something about it. Sad it has to always be L W being embarrassed into it.

  14. Thank you L and K and thank you Channel 12. Let's hope it gets cleaned up and if not, Channel 12 follows up. Great job!
