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The Celestial Federation of YAHWEH was in Lake Worth today, feeding the homeless at Bryant Park. They expect around 80 homeless to be driven into our city for this event.
The Celestial Federation of YAHWEH describes itself as--"is a global, moral organization/family, designed to help individuals that cannot help themselves. Additionally, we are here to publish the Name of God throughout the world (Deut. 32:3). From spiritual enlightenment to business expertise, The CFY is a community of people that serve the Living God יהוה, also known as The Divine Consciousness.
This is done by: Publishing the Divine Name of God יהוה in word, media, and Godly character;
Developing communities and resources for the homeless;
Setting the example of ethical and moral behavior for all moral individuals to adhere;
Mentoring the youth in the knowledge and direction one should take in life to become a productive, law abiding citizen;
Promoting self empowerment and industry amongst amongst all men;
Encouraging daily self improvement in character, proclivities, and overall thinking;
Restoring hope to the world for change as The Global Shepherd."
How do you know that they are homeless? The woman with the grey hair om the right side of the table lives in an apartment on South J st.
ReplyDeleteThey are playing the system and know exactly when the food is coming.Some drive to the park for the free food.
Feedings should not be permitted in our parks without proper permitting.