Saturday, January 18, 2014

Tree and Plant Sale today - Lake Worth Cultural Plaza

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Smarty Plants giving former commissioner Jo-Ann Golden 
advice on plants


  1. Ms. Golden is a nice lady as a private citizen, but as a commissioner her voting record was atrocious. Always her agenda not the voters, which is why she was voted out.

  2. Her voting record was perfect other than voting for the Mentoring Center which was there for 2 years until she voted them out.

    The other side "swift-boated" her and turned a tongue in cheek remark all around to personally attack her. Also, she could not campaign due to a broken leg. That's what happened, anonymous. How come you don't get that?

  3. Forgot one--Arizona 1070. So, that's two!

  4. Well, she was not wrong about us living in a ghetto. But she had a big hand in us inheriting a 500thou. annual deficit at the casino.

  5. OMG!
    Golden had nothing to do with any presumed "deficit" at the LW Casino. The deficit, as you want to call it, was due to not estimating out the CAM properly. As said before, this building is revenue neutral, being paid for by revenues and the expenses were incorrectly projected for the first year as several of the stores did not get in on time and other issues. This has now been adjusted up. Wed took out a loan on this from ourselves and deferred the first payment.

    Stop believing all of the BS.

    Also, ask this commission to hurry and lease the upstairs space or finish it off as part of the ballroom, a room that we CAN rent out with NO problem.

  6. The Tree Festival was a great event, very much enjoyed it.
